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Discussion: Picketing at Greenway Market?

Since we are lacking data, we have to fall back on the general condition that, in the aggregate, unions are good for both workers and communities


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Discussion: Picketing at Greenway Market?

jeffl said:

DaveSchmidt said:

joan_crystal said:

Even if Greenway employees were paid more than what is in the contract, they would not be receiving the wages provided in the Union contract.

You’re saying the UFCW may have put a dishonest spin on that sentence’s plain meaning. As a member of a union myself, I give the UFCW more credit than that.

It's in the union's best interest to spin things in their favor. It may be true that union employees do make more, but that may be washed out by union dues. I'm not at all anti-union. But I have worked with some unions that were deceptive towards employees who they wanted to join the union.  In my case, the employees didn't think the potential union benefits were worth it. 

i always find it funny when someone claims that union dues offset the benefits gained by a union contract.  I pay 2.5% dues.  Non union people in my field earn almost the same wages.  But I have a pension.  They do not.  I have an annuity.  They do not.   I have health insurance.  They do not.  And most importantly, I have a job steward I can report safety concerns to and they get addressed.  So yes, I pay dues.

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

got the QB. My last word was a very common word. Can't believe it took me that long to see it.

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Discussion: Ohio is still scaring me. No! Wait! Is that hope on the horizon? Nope.

Oh look! Gov. DeWine found his spine!

<blockquote class="quoteForum" style="max-height: inherit; height: auto;">

DeWine takes aim at Trump, Vance over Springfield claims

“I am saddened by how they and others continue to repeat claims that lack evidence and disparage the legal migrants living in Springfield,” DeWine wrote.


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Discussion: Ohio is still scaring me. No! Wait! Is that hope on the horizon? Nope.

In today's GOP, it's practically a profile in courage.

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Discussion: Picketing at Greenway Market?

mrincredible said:

you may think that’s funny but it’s not

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Discussion: The DNC

I’m not clicking on it, that’s got to be an article from the onion, right?

I’m afraid if I try to read it, i will drop into a vortex of self-contradiction statements and never return.

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

Oh, the things Putin has done, always looking out for world peace, right? Here’s a totally short list of all his “acts of kindness”:

  1. Chechnya (1999-2000) – Just a small act of "helping" the region after Russia suffered from a few pesky separatists. He leveled Grozny for good measure. But hey, it was all about "restoring order."
  2. Georgia (2008) – Just a friendly visit to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The whole invasion thing? Minor detail. He was merely "peacekeeping," clearly misunderstood.
  3. Ukraine, Part 1 (2014) – When Crimea was feeling homesick for Mother Russia, Putin was there, annexing it with care. Forget international law; Crimea needed a hug.
  4. Ukraine, Part 2 (2014-present) – Eastern Ukraine? Yeah, Putin’s just been giving out "military supplies" to rebels because they were so under-equipped. He swears those Russian soldiers are just on vacation!
  5. Syria (2015) – In an effort to "fight terrorism," Putin’s air force provided some friendly fireworks over civilian areas. His mission to prop up Assad was just a heartwarming tale of sticking by an old friend.
  6. Ukraine, Part 3 (2022-present) – Oh, and the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022? Putin calls it a "special military operation," not an invasion. Just casually wiping out cities and causing a refugee crisis, but all in the name of de-Nazification, because clearly, Ukraine is swarming with those.
  7. Cyberattacks – Who needs boots on the ground when you’ve got hackers? Russian interference in U.S. elections (2016) and cyber-attacks across Europe are just his way of being involved in everyone's digital lives.

Such a record of “peacekeeping”! One might almost think he's out to win some kind of prize for "most misunderstood leader." Surely, it's the West overreacting, right?

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Discussion: NJ DMV registration

On one hand, the gub'mint gives a tax rebate, credit or whatever when ya buy the car. This is to encourage electric vehicle purchases. Then they tax ya more when ya try to use it.

It's two tax policies, working against each other. 

It's like trying to achieve a goal of reaching a happy ending, while switching hands in the middle, without missing a stroke.

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

On a roll. QBX5!

One word that I could see being overlooked.

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