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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 27, 2014.

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

nan said:

PVW said:

nan said:

PVW said:

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 27, 2014.

Ok, so you are talking about Crimea, which I'm guessing we have different opinions about, right?  

What is your view on this?

Go back through this thread. You'll see that I've consistently referred to Russia's actions of 2022 as an escalation of the war it began in 2014.

WHAT????  You are so Russophobic that I tend to glaze over your habit of blaming the Russians for everything.   You are saying the Russians began the war in 2014?  How?

By invading and occupying Ukrainian territory. Most people have no problem recognizing that as war.

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

In February of 2014, Crimea was the legitimate territory of Ukraine. And Russia invaded and occupied it. It also sent troops into eastern Ukraine to stoke an insurgency.

You're free to explain why you feel Russia was justified in going to war against Ukraine, but let's be clear that this is what you're doing.

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

I did. He's a liar and those who believe him are dupes. Take, for instance, where he talks about WWII -- he conveniently skips over the fact that the war began, not with Germany attacking the USSR, but with the USSR and Germany allied and jointly attacking Poland. In the context of Ukraine, his talking about millions killed very pointedly skips over the millions killed by the USSR.

His speech is full of similar dishonest omissions and misdirections. It's a speech that relies on his audience's ignorance and credulity.

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Discussion: Inconsequential Chat

Came upon these just recently:

Songs of disappearance - Australian Bird Calls.

In this ARIA chart-topping recording of pure birdsong you can hear 53 of our most threatened species:

(ARIA is the Australian Recording Industry Association.  Aussie version of the Grammy Awards.)


Aussie Birds and their calls


Australia's most common birds


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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

nan said:

Yes, I expect you to believe that there was a CIA coup in 2014.  You are an adult, presumably well educated.  You have a brain and access to information.  

As shown by using one's brain and access to information, it was not "a CIA coup".

Getting Ukraine’s History Right Is Crucial for Anti-Imperialist Politics | Truthout

"To begin, it is not accurate to characterize the popular uprising as a 'U.S. coup.' During the Cold War, the United States actively supported and even initiated coups in Latin America and elsewhere, which involved supporting top-ranking military officers using troops under their command to seize control of governmental institutions by force. The Maidan uprising, by contrast, included upwards of 800,000 protesters in Kyiv and hundreds of thousands elsewhere in the country. Based on my interviews with participants in the uprising and my study of the members of the resistance coalition, which did include some right-wing nationalists but was overwhelmingly dominated by a range of democratic parties, it is clear to me that the vast majority of the Maidan uprising were liberal democrats who engaged in legitimate acts of nonviolent resistance against severe government repression. Many of them spent months in freezing temperatures in a struggle for a better Ukraine dominated by neither Russia nor the West. To label participants in the Maidan uprising as puppets of Washington is as unfair as labeling peasant revolutionaries in El Salvador during the 1980s as puppets of Moscow. ...

"The limited amount of U.S. funding of opposition groups did not 'cause' the Maidan uprising any more than the Soviets providing arms to leftist movements caused revolutions in Central America, Southern Africa or Southeast Asia. The world is not shaped solely by the machinations of empires and without the agency of ordinary people. The United States can’t just send in the CIA and instantaneously cause a change of government. It’s one thing to get some generals to stage a coup, which arguably is what happened in Guatemala, Iran, Chile and Brazil. Getting millions of people out onto the streets is something different entirely."

[Emphasis added]

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Discussion: Frustration buying bed linens

KarenMarlowe said:

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

joan_crystal said:

Queen size sheets can come in different sizes.  Some queen size mattresses are extra long (California) size and require California-size sheets.  Others may be designed for a thinner or thicker mattress.  What did it say on the queen size sheet set you bought regarding measurements of the flat sheet in the set? Did you look to see if other sets were longer or wider (depending on where you need the extra fabric)?

Hi, Joan,

I've bought queen sets from a few vendors (Amazon, BB&B, Company Store, Macys) and the flat sheets from every one of them are too narrow to tuck under the mattress.  I don't think one can shop for a larger queen-size flat sheet, if that's what you're suggesting. 

I have bought relatively inexpensive and relatively expensive queen sized sheets and this is the case for newer queen mattresses--they aren't long enough to tuck in the sides. You can buy separates which might solve your problem, but king is so wide compared to the queen, the sheet will be practically dragging on the floor before you tuck it in.

I like the deep overhang. I like to tuck all that extra sheet in and get the cocoon effect. 

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Me three yesterday.  Finding today difficult.

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

PVW said:

And no, I don't find claims that the U.S. staged a coup -- claims that echo self-serving Russian propaganda and which, let's be honest, almost certainly have their origin there -- to be convincing when compared with objective facts about what happened in 2013-2014 and in the broader context of Russia's attitudes toward Ukraine.

That, and everything said by the people who were actually there.

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