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Discussion: Let’s celebrate Dave Ross… ;)

nohero said:

Shēngrì kuàilè

(I think that's right ...)

Yes, but not in six-tone Cantonese.*  :-)

saang1 jat6 faai3 lok6

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Discussion: Ohio is still scaring me. No! Wait! Is that hope on the horizon? Nope.

In today's GOP, it's practically a profile in courage.

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Discussion: Meet a Baseball Fan (Welcome to Anyone)

Congratulations to the Phillies.  They earned it.

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Pangram was pure random luck.

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

jimmurphy said:

For the record, although the Pangram is awkward, I was referring to a different awkwardly spelled word.

I think I just found that different awkwardly spelled word...and it's the one that just got me to QB :bz

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Discussion: Wasn’t sure where to post this.

This clearly belongs under Food and Dining. 

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Been struggling for the past few days, but got it today.  :bz

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Discussion: How to feel old. (Yeah, I know, I am old).

I was thinking of giving the bank coin to the Maplewood Historical Society.

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Discussion: Wasn’t sure where to post this.

Where is RFK Jr. when you need him?

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Discussion: How to feel old. (Yeah, I know, I am old).

I took $200 in coins to the bank's coin counter. Stuff that was rejected by the machine, included a button battery, foreign coins and two G.S. Parkway tokens. 

Kid behind the counter: "What are those?"

Me: "Parkway tokens."

Kid: "What are they for? The subway?"

I am then joined in by two women at the customer service desk and we begin talking about the tokens, searching for change at the toll booths, long lines of cars,  waiting to pay the toll...

Hell, the kid probably wasn't even born when the parkway discontinued tokens in 2002.

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