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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

KarenMarlowe said:

QB -1 Missed acidhead, but I did try the alternate pangram. Such a shame it didn't work.

acidhead was my last word. Wasn't even sure it was a real word, but why not try?

Got the QB today. No strange words. My last was one that is in the puzzle almost once a week, and I almost always miss it. I don't know why I block on it, it's a very common word. But I got it today eventually.

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Discussion: Picketing at Greenway Market?

mrincredible said:

you may think that’s funny but it’s not

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Discussion: Trump shot at rally?

Jaytee said:

Man who voted for trump in 2016 attempts to assassinate trump on gulf course in Florida….

He obviously works for the CIA or one of those NGO fronts for the CIA, and was under orders to assassinate Trump for Zelensky.

At least, that's what I gather from reading Max Blumenthal on the Twitter.

routh from:maxblumenthal - Search / X

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Discussion: Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala.

nan said:

Have you ever been a fan of someone and then found out their politics sucked?  

Yeah. For a long time he was my avatar on this platform.

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Discussion: Roger McGuinn at SOPAC

The video above was posted in a Politics thread, and it called to mind Roger McGuinn’s autobiographical acoustic performance at SOPAC on Saturday, when he mentioned how much it meant to him for Dylan and the other all-stars to choose his arrangement of My Back Pages for this concert and to grant him the honor of singing the opening verse.

It’s still hard for me to believe it was my honor to sit just a couple of dozen of feet away from a giant like Roger McGuinn, who at 82 remained nimble-fingered on guitar and banjo. (His voice was even reedier with age, but hell if I cared.) 

My favorite anecdote he shared was about his friend Peter Fonda’s asking him for a new song for Fonda’s low-budget motorcycle movie. McGuinn suggests that Fonda ask Dylan instead. Fonda flies to New York and finds Dylan in a bar. Dylan scribbles something on a cocktail napkin, hands it to Fonda and says: “Give this to McGuinn. He’ll know what to do with it.” Fonda flies back go L.A. and shows up at McGuinn’s door with the napkin. On it is written: “The river flows. It flows to the sea. Wherever that river goes, that’s where I want to be.”

McGuinn takes the Ballad of Easy Rider from there.

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Discussion: Inconsequential Chat

There’s a place in Helvetica waiting for John Attridge.

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Discussion: Picketing at Greenway Market?

Since we are lacking data, we have to fall back on the general condition that, in the aggregate, unions are good for both workers and communities


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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

got the QB. My last word was a very common word. Can't believe it took me that long to see it.

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Discussion: Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala.

nohero said:

I am not familiar enough with Ms. Swift's music to come up with the appropriate lyric in response, but I assume the social media will have plenty of examples - 

Oh man.  Really?  

Maybe my knowledge of Taylor Swift’s music is skewed by having a teenage daughter. But the perfect lyric is from a song that was released when my kid was just starting elementary school and I was very aware of it then. It’s from perhaps her best-known song of all time, and that’s saying quite a lot. 

Anyway, the lyric is “haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate and the players gonna play play play play play. I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE IT OFF. 

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