What series should I watch next?

eliz said:

Friday Night Lights

Yes. Or Six Feet Under. I am jealous of anyone who has the opportunity to experience these shows for the first time.

mooewe said:

Six Feet Under is on Amazon Prime video. I'm almost done with the last season - can't wait for the ending that everyone raves about, but I will also miss it. It's hard when you finish a series and you've become attached to the characters!

One of the greatest last episodes ever. Enjoy.

mooewe said:

"Rescue Me" is great (Netflix)

Oh this also. Fun, funny, exciting, disturbing- it is great. And it clearly has the flawed lead character that the OP likes (like Soprano and Draper). Dennis Leary does a great job in this. Plus it moves quickly.

We have similar TV viewing habits.

High Maintenance. They're short, usually around 15 minutes each. The first cycle is available online for free. The second one just started and is available on Vimeo for $8. Really good!

Just reporting in, having finished watching Six Feet Under. I'm so happy I had absolutely no idea what to expect. It was beautiful! And I will be thinking of it for quite some time. Watch this show!

We've been watching The West Wing again. A wonderful series.

If you like the midcentury setting of Mad Men, you might want to try Masters of Sex. I think the writing and character development is actually superior.

Gioamorim, if you liked the Sopranos, I highly recommend Lilyhammer on Netflix. It stars Steven Van Zandt (Sopranos, E-Street Band) as mobster who relocates to Lillehammer Norway in the witness protection program. It's sharp, funny and very reminiscent of the Sopranos--IMO, even better.

lizziecat said:

I loved Lilyhammer,
I didn't.

bettina said:

Very old, but Freaks and Geeks - though for unknown reasons it only made it for 2 seasons. Another vote for Six Feet Under. Though nothing will ever match The Wire, Breaking Bad or The Sopranos.

Sadly Freaks & Geeks was only one season, luckily they knew it had been canceled were allowed to shoot a kind of ending for it, but yeah, only 18 episodes. Great show, though. Captured the time for me perfectly as I was around Sam's age in the early 80s and played D&D like a proper geek.

Anyone watch Penny Dreadful? I thought it was good.

j_r said:

Fantastic series! Six Feet Under is also available on DVD (not streaming afaik) from Netflix.

I loved Six Feet Under. It was an engrossing series whose strength -- along with the other greats -- was character development. I loved the continuing appearances of the late family matriarch, Nathaniel Fisher, and his ongoing pearls of wisdom.

I recommend Scott & Bailey which airs on Channel 21 at 10:00 pm, Tuesdays.


DottyParker said:

j_r said:

Fantastic series! Six Feet Under is also available on DVD (not streaming afaik) from Netflix.

I loved Six Feet Under. It was an engrossing series whose strength -- along with the other greats -- was character development. I loved the continuing appearances of the late family matriarch, Nathaniel Fisher, and his ongoing pearls of wisdom.

Me, too.....

All five seasons of "Six Feet Under" is on Comcast On-Demand.

Are all seasons of The Larry Sanders Show available anywhere?
Every time I see Jeffery Tambour, I think, "hey, now!" and want to see that series again.

Downton Abby is great!

Suits - I watch on Amazon - Great lawyer show and you really get to know the characters

Revenge - Love this show, so much excitement in one show.

The Good Wife - Love it!

Is anyone actually watching Scandal this season? The VP is holding Olivia hostage to force the President to go to war in Angola???? Whhhaaaaaaaaaa?????????????? Jump, meet shark.

@peggyc I love Scandal, though I haven't seen last week's episode yet. But I agree, I hope they tread carefully and wrap this storyline up quickly. I was all in when the VP kidnapped Olivia (for the pure "WTF?!" factor) but if it becomes an actually politically motivated show, a la Homeland, I will not be interested. I kinda like that there's very little "working" that happens on the show oh oh

I want them to go back to real cases and stop with the stuff that is totally jumping the shark. I mean, really? The VP can mobilize the Secret Service to keep the President prisoner while he hold the guy's ex-mistress hostage to get the President to declare war on a country??????? That's well beyond WTF, IMO.

I used to love this show. Now, I can barely tolerate it. I'm just waiting for a change.

Watching TRANSPARENT on amazon. Terrific.

And now in season 4 of Rescue Me.

Transparent --- pretty amazing and very easy to binge watch..

on the BBC/PBS track -- The Paradise... season 1 and 2

Third for Transparent.

I'm halfway thru the 10 episodes of Transparent and I love it. They're a family that I can somehow relate to.

We are having a very good time with "House of Lies."

Now watching The Fall w Gillian Anderson on Netflix. Creepy as hell but very engaging.

We are watching True Detective on HBO. I need to be in a good mood, because it tends to bring me down, but it's good anyway.

We are halfway through season one of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" on Netflix. It's incredibly funny.

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