Trump-Biden Debate

mtierney said:

Debate prep. Biden gets softballs. Trump wins anyway...

 as a Trump supporter you should be delighted that the debate won't have any questions about corruption and nepotism.

mtierney said:

Debate prep. Biden gets softballs. Trump wins anyway...

The dishonest hack who wrote that article couldn't even make a coherent case for "Biden Corruption".

Any consequences for Trump in debate from the NYT taxes story?:

Fact that he pays foreign governments more in taxes than U.S.?

Fact that if he were vetted for a security clearance (as gov employees are), he couldn't pass b/c of debt to foreigners?

Fact that his entire persona is one big lie?

For MAGA crowd: nah.

And...who's surprised by NYT story? 

Though I'll say this: given his complex coif, who can deny him the 70K deduction?

mtierney, have you considered a Go Fund Me account for his back taxes and penalties?

GL2 said:

And...who's surprised by NYT story? 

Though I'll say this: given his complex coif, who can deny him the 70K deduction?

 I'm just surprised he actually paid the hairdressers.

If his supporters would still support him if he "shot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue" why should they be bothered about larceny?

This picture is from yesterday.  Trump is doing "debate prep" under the tutelage of Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani.


The picture screams for a caption.  My first thought, seeing Christie's face, is of a thought balloon over him reading "Roll down the window ... let the wind ... back your hair ... two lanes take us anywhere ... mmmmm Thunder Road ..."

Jaytee said:

 That’s pretty accurate. Trump and his cult will be obliterated come November. 

 I absolutely love your optimism. I'm sort of there but I have moments when I prepare myself for the worst. Not many people were as confident as I was on election night, brazenly taunting the fates, so color me cautiously optimistic. 

nohero said:

Trump debate prep - 

 I'm fascinated and would love to know what drug he is expecting to discover? We had quite a bit of fun on MOL noting Trump's runny nose and continued sniffing. So what is he accusing Biden of taking? 

Morganna said:

 I'm fascinated and would love to know what drug he is expecting to discover? We had quite a bit of fun on MOL noting Trump's runny nose and continued sniffing. So what is he accusing Biden of taking? 

 probably Adderall, which many people suspect Trump of using.  It would fit with his habit of constantly projecting.

So I hear Trump has a surprise guest.  Who thinks it will be Tara Reade?

jamie said:

So I hear Trump has a surprise guest.  Who thinks it will be Tara Reade?

 I don't know anything about that, but if anyone decides to take a drink every time Trump says the word "radical" tonight is probably going to need an ambulance by the end of the debate.

jamie said:

So I hear Trump has a surprise guest.  Who thinks it will be Tara Reade?

 It's Trump, so it'll be Tara Reid.

By the way, isn't it true that debates (like VP picks and conventions) typically do not have a lot of lasting impact on polling / election results?

Seems to me that polling is pretty stable, and hasn't really changes in months, where Biden has about a 75% change of becoming President, and Trump 25%. Mind you, 25% means there is still a 1 in 4 change of Trump getting reelected.

What’s it going to be?

mtierney said:

What’s it going to be?

 btw, I wrote your debate review so you don't have to.  It's at this link, so feel free to copy and paste it, and then post it tomorrow morning.  I've saved you some time having to actually watch the debate and write something.

Alternative to drinking game: every time Trump tells a lie, donate $1 to Biden campaign or Senate Democrat campaigns (and then also take a sip of your beverage of choice)

Biden says he's ready - 

Smedley said:

No rules, just right.

“There are several ways the phrase is commonly spelled in the English language, such as “aye yi yi,” “ai yai yai” and “ay yai yai,” but there is no formal acknowledgement about which is correct given its slang nature.”

 Didn't Ricky Ricardo say it?

terp said:


 gee, look who comes out of the woodwork for a both-sides piece of naive crap.

drummerboy said:

 gee, look who comes out of the woodwork for a both-sides piece of naive crap.

 of course. Trump isn't any worse than Obama was. 


There should have been a mike "cut-off" button.

Ultimately, a waste of viewer time.

We saw what evil looks like tonight

ml1 said:

GL2 said:

And...who's surprised by NYT story? 

Though I'll say this: given his complex coif, who can deny him the 70K deduction?

 I'm just surprised he actually paid the hairdressers.

 Well, what makes you think he did?  Surely you don't believe that a deduction listed on his taxes is automatically true.  

terp, this whole idea that taxation is theft is both inaccurate and pernicious.  Used to be just a winger thing, but by now has seriously poisoned public discourse and weakened the national sense of patriotism/community.  Stick to calling out unnecessary violence?

OMG did you see who liked Terp's post -- NAN!!

C'mon Nan, if you're lurking and liking, you can post. You know you're dying to get back in the game.  

Smedley said:

OMG did you see who liked Terp's post -- NAN!!

C'mon Nan, if you're lurking and liking, you can post. You know you're dying to get back in the game.  

Ms. Nan's DSA and Mr. Terp's Libertarians are, in theory, at opposite ends of the government intervention scale.  Only sheer nihilism could make one like a "meme" setting forth the principles of the other.  It would be like Rand Paul coming out for M4A.

nohero said:

Smedley said:

OMG did you see who liked Terp's post -- NAN!!

C'mon Nan, if you're lurking and liking, you can post. You know you're dying to get back in the game.  

Ms. Nan's DSA and Mr. Terp's Libertarians are, in theory, at opposite ends of the government intervention scale.  Only sheer nihilism could make one like a "meme" setting forth the principles of the other.  It would be like Rand Paul coming out for M4A.

 Once you get abstract and theoretical enough, you lose the ability to notice real world effects. Trump's response has been uniquely terribly on COVID. Compared to other countries with similar resources, we have far more infections and far more deaths. By the time this is over, hundreds of thousands of people will be dead who would not be were almost anyone else president. But what's an empirical observation like this when set against a theory?

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