The Trump Agenda

Along with removing LGBT right, climate change and healthcare - it's looks like Trump's America First agenda is on the White House website. I just copied a paragraph from each page.

Energy Plan
We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands that the American people own.

Foreign Policy
Defeating ISIS and other radical Islamic terror groups will be our highest priority. To defeat and destroy these groups, we will pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations when necessary. I

Bringing Back Jobs And Growth
As a lifelong job-creator and businessman, the President also knows how important it is to get Washington out of the way of America’s small businesses, entrepreneurs, and workers. In 2015 alone, federal regulations cost the American economy more than $2 trillion.

Making Our Military Strong Again
Our military needs every asset at its disposal to defend America. We cannot allow other nations to surpass our military capability. The Trump Administration will pursue the highest level of military readiness.

Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community
Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter. Our job is to make life more comfortable for parents who want their kids to be able to walk the streets safely. Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus. Or the young child walking home from school.

Trade Deals Working For All Americans
With a lifetime of negotiating experience, the President understands how critical it is to put American workers and businesses first when it comes to trade. With tough and fair agreements, international trade can be used to grow our economy, return millions of jobs to America’s shores, and revitalize our nation’s suffering communities.

I guess we should all breath a sigh of relief. Trump has been saying "radical Islamic terrorism" since he was sworn in. That was all Obama needed to do to end terrorism wasn't it?

tacky--- Kelly Ann, trump, all ....

So basically it's Midnight in America.

A very combative tone. It's all positioned as if he's competing with someone.

It's all Bannon, by the way.

Do not discount Pence - there had to have been a YUGE deal between Trump and Pence, since Pence is the only guy who had any knowledge of Washington and the federal bureaucracy - he had Trump against the wall during the transition. Building an Executive branch is an enormous job, and Trump would be totally up the creek without Pence. Even his team is not stupid enough to not realize that, I think.

This is important since it's at least 50-50 that Trump doesn't finish his term - at which point Bannon might very well get the boot. Of course, Bannon knows that too, so he's gonna front-load his agenda.

I don't think we can quite imagine the behind the scenes machinations going on back there. Someone will tell the story one day.

shoshannah said:

A very combative tone. It's all positioned as if he's competing with someone.

It's all Bannon, by the way.

I think you give them too much credit. I don't think there is a coherent agenda. He's unstable, and everyone will work their own angles.

FilmCarp said:

I think you give them too much credit. I don't think there is a coherent agenda. He's unstable, and everyone will work their own angles.

there's a sense of that already. The inauguration speech was apparently mostly Bannon. The CIA speech seemed like Trump's own riffing. The rollback of the FHA mortgage insurance rate cut was likely all GOP Congress' idea.

The Trump agenda as outlined on the website is half bluster (end terrorism and bring back jobs, ok, good luck with that...) and half hold-on-to-your-hat scary. People like me who care about the environment, law enforcement abuses in minority communities, reversing a hawking military agenda and our global reputation are in for a long, frightening four years.

Lowlights of the first few days:

Alternative Facts about The Feud with "Intelligence" Community

Alternative Facts about, of course, Crowd SIZE!

Hardball on not releasing Tax Returns

Hardball on not letting go of his businesses

Launching what is clearly a War with/on The Media

Most "Telling" photo to me: DJT bounding up the steps to the WH leaving Spouse following.

Favorite photo to me: That great snap of Michelle's "Look" Great! Sums it all up!

Highlight: That my Daughter and so many friends and acquaintances marched in NYC, DC, Westfield, Trenton and every where else including 3 marches in Mississippi! PROUD!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter


What jobs has he EVER retained for the USA? I don't consider acquiring work visa's for hundreds of Eastern Europeans to work his country clubs bringing jobs back, when we have American's here that can surely do those jobs.

The law enforcement issue is just plain scary. This is a man who says he needs his own security detail outside of the one issued to him via the gov't. Why is this ever necessary for a sitting president? Is it because private security can beat the hell out of protesters and anyone else they deem a threat to the president's agenda while the Secret Service cannot?

Copied from remarks section of NYTimes, moments ago:


Connecticut 5 minutes ago

POTUS Limerick #163

There once was a President who had a mouth disease
Which caused honorable people great unease.
He lied. Spontaneously, continually,
Habitually, to all appearances unconsciously--
Providing enough material for many psychologists' theses!

Thank You, Jonallen!


Amazingly they have not taken down the petitions re Releasing Tax Docs and Using a Blind Trust.

If you haven't signed, here is the link:


rcarter31 said:

Amazingly they have not taken down the petitions re Releasing Tax Docs and Using a Blind Trust.

If you haven't signed, here is the link:


Of course they haven't. They're collecting names.

really? You don't see a coherent agenda behind his cabinet appointments? I certainly do - it's the tea party's wet dream.

FilmCarp said:

I think you give them too much credit. I don't think there is a coherent agenda. He's unstable, and everyone will work their own angles.

The Energy Plan alone is especially sad:

  1. No mention of renewable energy.
  2. Committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan
  3. Reviving America’s coal industry, which has been hurting for too long.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised, just depressing to actually see it on our WH website.

Loving it... this is great.

9.8 Basket 2016

drummerboy said:

really? You don't see a coherent agenda behind his cabinet appointments? I certainly do - it's the tea party's wet dream.

FilmCarp said:

I think you give them too much credit. I don't think there is a coherent agenda. He's unstable, and everyone will work their own angles.

The only coherence I see is coincidental. He picked his cabinet by thinking of rich people he knew who had axes to grind, and now they will grind them.

shoshannah said:

rcarter31 said:

Amazingly they have not taken down the petitions re Releasing Tax Docs and Using a Blind Trust.

If you haven't signed, here is the link:


Of course they haven't. They're collecting names.

I don't know if this is true. However, we do know that Google sells information.

I was told that the IP download data for browser addon which changes Trump's name to Drumpf IP was purchased by some organization.

This was awhile ago before he was elected.

Bernie's speech on why he voted against Mike Pompeo for CIA director.

14 Democrats and Angus King voted for:

the Dems have about one spine between them. They truly suck. Every one should be voting NO every time.

Dutch government launches international program for birth control and abortion to counter Trump's termination of US program:

drummerboy said:

the Dems have about one spine between them. They truly suck. Every one should be voting NO every time.

I can't even. WTF is going on with these Dems?? Kirsten Gillibrand is the only one who voted against all three and is planning to vote against DeVos. I just don't get it. What are they thinking??

I did not know that about KG.

She's got my vote for Prez so far.

shoshannah said:

drummerboy said:

the Dems have about one spine between them. They truly suck. Every one should be voting NO every time.

I can't even. WTF is going on with these Dems?? Kirsten Gillibrand is the only one who voted against all three and is planning to vote against DeVos. I just don't get it. What are they thinking??

Probably because they are collecting the names of the dissenters. ;-) But I signed.

rcarter31 said:

Amazingly they have not taken down the petitions re Releasing Tax Docs and Using a Blind Trust.

If you haven't signed, here is the link:


If we are afraid of them collecting our names for signing petitions, we have not got a prayer of standing up to any of this.

paulsurovell said:

Dutch government launches international program for birth control and abortion to counter Trump's termination of US program:

Trump said he would get others to pay for things, so he's delivering in a way.

drummerboy said:

I did not know that about KG.

She's got my vote for Prez so far.

shoshannah said:

drummerboy said:

the Dems have about one spine between them. They truly suck. Every one should be voting NO every time.

I can't even. WTF is going on with these Dems?? Kirsten Gillibrand is the only one who voted against all three and is planning to vote against DeVos. I just don't get it. What are they thinking??

Caroline Kennedy is being groomed to take over her Senate seat as an entry into politics

Say what you will about Trump's agenda. Like it or not, it seems he is going after his campaign promises aggressively.

IIRC Obama ran 8 years ago as the Constitutional/peace candidate. He even took home a nobel. He then doubled down on cracking down on 4th amendment violations, was the harshest president ever on whistle blowers. Ran drone attacks across the middle east and de-stabilize the entire region. Gave up on closing Guantanamo when it became politically difficult.

terp said:

Say what you will about Trump's agenda. Like it or not, it seems he is going after his campaign promises aggressively.

a lot of people voted for him thinking he wasn't actually going to do what he promised he would do. I believed him, but a lot of folks thought he was speaking "metaphorically."

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