Teen/Young Adult job

my nephew may finally be coming to

Live with me in Westfield (yay!). He’ll need a job and one priority will be one that allows him to meet a lot of kids his age and build a social life. He’s 19, has a typical student job history (mc Donald’s for 18 months) and two long summer seasons at an amusement/fair job. He’ll want 25+ hrs over the summers d then 15-20 in the fall when he (hopefully) goes back to college. (Likely Union Community or maybe Kean if they’ll the-accept him).


Natale's Bakery in Summit is looking for help

Seasonal labor at the local DPW in the summer?  There are Amazon warehouses in Edison and Carteret that I'm sure will hire him for more year round work, although not sure what hours they want.

would you consider either of those a social experience?

The Social part is more important to me than the job right now.

Would he have a car? How about Friendly's or Chili's in Clark, or the movie theater in Westfield? Or maybe a summer camp staffed by locals his age? Home Depot in Garwood? Or maybe UCC or Kean hires year round? If he ends up at Kean, might he be able to live in a dorm? I have just lately come to realize there is a much stronger on-campus residential component at Kean than I'd thought. Might work really well for him socially. 

yes he has a car. He got into Kean last year but chose (unwisely) to stay at home and go to local CC.  I should have pushed harder. We reached out to see if they’ll re-admit him but he really backed himself into a corner with some bad grades. Did quite a bit better spring semester but still,failed a class.  I’d love for him to live in a dorm- I hope this is possible.

Good ideas, thank you !

No job is more social than a summer day camp. I'm sure many are still looking for counselors.

Our young man got a summer job at 1 800 Got Junk. It can be strenuous work, but he likes the camaraderie of workers (various ages) and driving all over New Jersey, meeting the customers and seeing the state. 

If nothing else, start seasonal at someplace like bowcraft..although I don't know if they have more high school kids that college age...and then he can look for something year round

At Natales, he would be working behind the counter with two or three older managers and about 6 people NEAR OR AT HIS AGE. He would also interact with customers. 

Definitely a camp job. He'll be spending the entire summer with hundreds of people his age, plenty of outside social opportunities, and he can be bussed to and from so he doesn't have to drive. I know Willow Lake is still looking for male counselors.

what did he decide to do?

much to my sadness, he decided to stay at his home on LI. LOL  But my father got him a job doing grounds maintenance and custodial work at his old school. Not exactly bubbling with a social life but he says he enjoys the relative peace and quiet and being able to go do a job for a few hours without people bothering him. much unlike his former role at McDonalds. 

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