TPP Fastrack Defeated in Senate

Democrats in House revolted against fast track

This is good! Does it mean it remains a bill and it will make the rounds the usual way now?

Wish similar will happen here, suspect it won't. We're totally betrayed by our current leadership, on all kinds of matters. They have little notion of separation of powers, have no regard for centuries of common law founded on Magna Carta, disregard international treaties, and behave with poor notions of ethics and community values. Worse, our opposition parties seem timid of calling them to them to account.

Whoever thought 'democracy' allowed for secret trade deals??

joanne said:
Wish similar will happen here, suspect it won't. We're totally betrayed by our current leadership, on all kinds of matters. They have little notion of separation of powers, have no regard for centuries of common law founded on Magna Carta, disregard international treaties, and behave with poor notions of ethics and community values. Worse, our opposition parties seem timid of calling them to them to account.
Whoever thought 'democracy' allowed for secret trade deals??

Not clear. By 'current leadership' to whom are you referring?

Australian federal govt: the Liberal National Party, lead by Tony Abbott our Prime Minister (who lies just about every time he licks his lips and utters any sound).

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