Do we have a RT equivalent news site in Russia?

Just wondering - the investment Russia has put into RT the last few years has been enormous.

The trait of such a site would:

- Never critique the leader

- Never report on any aspects of failing economy 

- Never discuss social policies like gay rights

(Please add to the list)

This IS their Russian news page:

What is the "go to" news source to know what exactly is happening there?

Johnson's Russia List is a comprehensive database about Russia that includes Russian sources from all perspectives as well as Western sources reporting on Russia.

It's sponsored by the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at GWU.

interesting - but overall, it's pretty weak - better than nothing.  

I'm guessing that an America Today news site in Moscow wouldn't have the freedoms that RT/Sputnik News does here.

jamie said:
interesting - but overall, it's pretty weak - better than nothing.  
I'm guessing that an America Today news site in Moscow wouldn't have the freedoms that RT/Sputnik News does here.

 Are US news sites blocked in Moscow?

I asked if there was an RT equivalent in Moscow.  I guess there isn't.  If there could be a AT there.

Is there a CNN division in Russia?  Or do they just carry CNN World.  What other outside news sources are aired in Russia?  TIA

Paul - do you think this summary of Russian media is accurate?

jamie said:
Paul - do you think this summary of Russian media is accurate?

 More or less.

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