Candidates and Crimes

This is an interesting political year with the four candidates that we have. With so many accusations being thrown out there I thought I would do a little research.

Jill Stein - 3 arrests, no convictions. Arrest warrant currently pending. Arrests related to protesting and activism which does not bother me.

Garry Johnson - No arrests or governmental legal actions but has openly admitted to violating controlled substance laws. I'm not too concerned about the pot smoking.

Hillary Clinton - faced 24 years of partisan investigations - no legal violations found. Travelgate -cleared, Whitewater - cleared, Benghazi - 8 investigations - cleared, Email scandal - cleared. No arrests, fines or charges despite years of partisan investigations looking for anything that they could pin on her. She wasn't my choice for president earlier this year but she is certainly no criminal.

Donald Trump - Found in violation of campaign finance laws on numerous occasions and fined on those occasions. One such criminal contribution was to a states AG while Trump University was under investigation. Found in violation of federal fair housing laws regarding discrimination - eventually settled with US Government. Found in violation of NY housing laws regarding tenant intimidation after he turned off heat for tenants and tried to force them out of their apartments - was forced to settle with tenants. In 1991 was found in violation of NJ Laws regarding the operation of a casino. NJ also fined Trump $200,000 for illegally keeping black employees away from mafioso Robert LiButti’s gambling table. Federal Trade Commission fined Trump $750,000 in 1987 for violations of FTC rules. On numerous occasions undocumented workers have been found on working Trump properties, a violation of Federal employment laws. Trump University - currently under investigation.

I understand that Hillary Clinton has been in the spotlight for years so even investigations that had no merit will taint her image, but how do you think Donald Trump would have fared with the same scrutiny and spotlight? Just a few minutes of research can show you that if following the law is your standard for a president, of the 2 feasible candidates, Hillary Clinton is the clear choice.

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