Poison Ivy

jamie said:

Ok I think this may be poison ivy.

hmmm. not so sure. I think poison ivy leaves are smoother and a bit shiny. The leaf shape doesn't look right either.

Hmmm, the leaves don't look like what I am accustomed to seeing.  A bit more spikey.

jamie said:

Ok I think this may be poison ivy.

Definitely not poison ivy.

jamie said:

Ok I think this may be poison ivy.

I never saw PI with leaves that shape.

I googled "Poison Ivy Images" and found lots of examples.  Here's one that is most like what I usually see around here.

I do not know for sure, but it does not look like poison ivy.  Similar, but not the same.   If this were in my yard,  I would simply put on work gloves just to be safe,  and then pull it up and put it into the garbage.  The phone app for plants does not always tell you exactly what you want to know.  

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