Ladies: Tummy Tuck & Breast Reduction

Anyone ever have one of these surgeries? Looking for doctor recommendations and experience during recovery. I have seen two doctors but would love recommendations. Thanks

My understanding this is not covered by insurance. Many years ago when I was looking into it. What cost are they quoting now? I'd still like to consider it.

Love. This. Post. Fascinating and informative. Keep it up ladies...

I have no experience personally, but I know someone who had a reduction covered by insurance. (The excessive weight was causing her back problems.) Worth exploring for at least that portion.

Best of luck!!!!

Breast reductions can be covered by insurance if a doctor states that the size is causing back or neck problems. There are hoops to jump through. I believe tummy tucks are always cosmetic, though.

I wonder if @drummerboy has any surgeon recommendations. He's been spending time on relatedmessage boards.

Breast reductions are hardly covered by insurance any longer. And many plastic surgeons in NJ do not accept insurance. Those who do accept insurance, charge way higher than the insurance reimbursement. The patient pays for the remainder out of pocket. (The one exception is for cancer survivors who need reconstruction)

When I called up around 10 years ago, I was told not to expect coverage, even with back problems.

It won't be covered by insurance, but you can get a specific type of loan for plastic surgery. I think Chase has one. It's payable over 2 years, if I remember correctly.

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