Inconsequential Chat

Aaand, speaking of newspapers ...

Ahhh, the good old days of Leader Press… ? cheese (surely not The Hun?!)

joanne said:

Ahhh, the good old days of Leader Press… ?
(surely not The Hun?!)

I think not.

The Surf Life Saving story is focussed on people from the Wollongong area in New South Wales, while the soccer story is from a UK-sponsored football competition.

In my early newspaper days, there  was an editor who liked to edit in the layout program on finished pages. When he had a question he wanted answered, he’d type something like, say, “$XXX ?” if he wanted a specific cost/dollar amount added to the piece. We’d beg him not to. Do you know how often his XXX’s went into print!?!

Heynj said:

In my early newspaper days, there  was an editor who liked to edit in the layout program on finished pages. When he had a question he wanted answered, he’d type something like, say, “$XXX ?” if he wanted a specific cost/dollar amount added to the piece. We’d beg him not to. Do you know how often his XXX’s went into print!?!

Variation on the theme: a radio journalist reporting from the field and being recorded in a busy, noisy newsroom with no-one hearing him (usually) swear in the middle of a report and immediately launch into a re-do, with a 'Take 2' at the head.  Of course, nobody heard the re-start and the lot was dropped into the replay stack for the newsreader to fire off at the appropriate time!

Very embarrassing all round!     Follow-ups usually involved a few angry memos fired off by management, and the surreptitious purloining of the offending audio to be added to the 'end-of-year' party collection.

marksierra said:

Aaand, speaking of newspapers ...

the second one looks like the cat stepped on the keyboard and overwrote the headline ... 

Still got the colour registration marks at the edge (we’d usually work to keep them off the page or in the fold). So maybe this is early-ish in computer setting, or hand-set? cheese 

HatsOff said:

the second one looks like the cat stepped on the keyboard and overwrote the headline ... 

Bush tucker for astronauts! YUM!!

Melbourne, Australia school students are growing herbs and veg for ISS astronauts to enjoy, similar to a NASA program with USA school students. The current herb crop being grown by the Aussie Year 10s is basil, with plans for bush tomatoes and warrigal greens etc to follow:

Are bilbies affected the same way??   tongue laugh

Inspiration for what eventually became Snoopy?

Speaking of stopping and thinking ...

Yes, I know it's anthropomorphism.

But just the same ... it's The Look.

This appeared today on the social media page for Australia's CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation):

Just when we thought wombats couldn't get any cuter.

We're so excited to announce we have discovered a new species of miniature wombat. Growing up to 15 centimetres (6 inches) in length, the newly described Vombatus iocus, or teacup wombat, is endemic to Alpo Floris National Park in Tasmania.

We're looking forward to learning more about this adorable little species that eats, frolics and hides among the park's famous buttongrass.

Find out more about this adorable species:

Oh, and just in case you're wondering about the significance of the CSIRO story, look closely at the date on which it appeared.


Do you get the impression that inter- or, even, intra-office communication might be a touch lacking?

Noted in passing - 

“The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it.”
- Chinese Proverb

  Once seen. Never unseen.

An unusual name for a suburb on the French island of Reunion.

It's good to see that someone has suffered so that we can enjoy the fruits of their labours.

Don't get me wrong. I don't mind listening to folk songs.  It's just there's a limit to how many versions of Greensleeves I can take in at one sitting.


Now the Fred Dagg Careers Advice Bureau has already done more than enough to secure its place in the social history of this once great nation, but I think this report is probably amongst its more lasting achievements.

In essence it outlines how to go about the business of being a real estate agent, and as things stand at the moment if you’re not a real estate agent, then you’re probably being a fool to yourself and a burden to others.

Like so many other jobs in this wonderful society of ours, the basic function of the real estate agent is to increase the price of the article without actually producing anything, and as a result it has a lot to do with communication, terminology, and calling a spade a delightfully bucolic colonial winner facing north and offering a unique opportunity to the handyman.

If you’re going to enter the real estate field you’ll need to acquire a certain physical appearance which I won’t bore you with here, but if you’ve got gold teeth and laugh-lines around your pockets, then you’re through to the semis without dropping a set.

But the main thing to master, of course, is the vernacular, and basically this works as follows:

There are three types of houses:

Glorious commanding split-level ultra-modern dream homes, which are built on cliff faces;

Private bush-clad inglenooks, which are built down holes;

and very affordable solid family houses in much sought after streets, which are old gun-emplacements with awnings.

A cottage is a caravan with the wheels taken off.

A panoramic, breathtaking, or magnificent view is an indication that the house has windows, and if the view is unique, there’s probably only one window.

I have here the perfect advertisement for a house, so we’ll go through it and I’ll point out some of the more interesting features, so here we go, mind the step.

‘Owner transferred reluctantly instructs us to sell’ means the house is for sale.

‘Genuine reason for selling’ means the house is for sale.

‘Rarely can we offer’ means the house is for sale.

‘Superbly presented delightful charmer’ doesn’t mean anything really, but it’s probably still for sale.

‘Most attractive immaculate home of character in prime dress-circle position’ means that the thing that’s for sale is a house.

‘Unusual design with interesting and solidly built stairs’ means that the stairs are in the wrong place.

‘Huge spacious generous lounge commands this well serviced executive residence’ means the rest of the house is a rabbit-warren with rooms like cupboards.

‘Magnificent well-proportioned large convenient block with exquisite garden’ means there’s no view, but one of the trees had a flower on it the day we were up there.

‘Privacy, taste, charm, space, freedom, quiet, away from it all location in much sought-after cul-de-sac situation’ means that it’s not only built down a hole, it’s built at the very far end of the hole.

‘A must for all you artists, sculptors and potters’ means that only a lunatic would consider living in it.

’2/3 bedrooms with possible in-law accommodation’ means it’s got two bedrooms and a tool shed.

‘Great buy, ring early for this one, inspection a must, priced to sell, new listing, see this one now, all offers considered, good value, be quick, inspection by appointment, view today, this one can’t last, sole agents, today’s best buy’ means the house is for sale, and if ever you see ‘investment opportunity’ turn away very quickly and have a go at the crossword.

You may ask, 'Who is Fred Dagg?'

He died in 2017, after suffering a heart attack while on a bushwalk in my home state of Victoria, Australia.

A few days afterwards, Australia's national broadcaster aired this tribute to him -

My favourite bit of real-estate speak ever was 'the ideal opportunity to install the kitchen of your choice'...

This has been around for a few years, apparently, but it still raised a laugh..

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