Happiest of Birthdays to Max Weisenfeld - Our very own Weather Guru

Thank you for all you do: your knowledge, your ability to convey things, your patience and the wonderful collaboration you display with WxNut2.0.  We in this area are so fortunate to have you both. Hope your day is as sunny as the weather. 


Like me, you may feel birthdays come 'round WAY too fast these days! But what a pleasure to be able to thank you, tell you how much I rely on your weather forecasts; and how grateful I am for everything else you contribute to our community here, 

I hope you're able to be outside on this BEAUTIFUL DAY we ordered up for you!  Enjoy!

(I'm grateful as well for that little "edit" button below, so I can sound like I really did get all the education I claim.)  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!   question  

Happy birthday, Max! Thank you!

Adding my Happy Birthday greetings here (as well as Facebook) and my appreciation for your weather knowledge shared so generously in both platforms. My spouse is not on any social media, but anytime there are weather questions, he always wants to know "what Max says"!

Happy Birthday Max!!!

Happy birthday Max!  We appreciate you more than you know.  question

Happy birthday Max! 

Happy birthday, Max! Thanks for all the info - you're the best!!!

Happy belated birthday! 

Max, Happy Birthday!!

Sorry I missed this yesterday. Happy belated, Max! As a weather-worrier I rely on your calm, non-hyped weather information. Thank you!

Happy belated birthday, Max! May the weather gods continue to smile on you!


Belated Happy B-day!  It has been a lovely sunshiny few days! (Not that I need to tell you).

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