Epstein Commits Suicide While on Suicide Watch (Maybe?)

Seems like it was more of an advisory than a watch. 

I just posted a similar thread with a link to ABC news, since The Times is behind a paywall.

As I say in my other thread, there are a lot of powerful people who were threatened by this investigation. I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist  but man, this smells fishy. 


Also check the visitor logs to see if "Tom Hagen" dropped by.

Definitely suspicious!

The Trumpers didn't wait long to try to shift blame.  Here Lynne Patton, former Trump "party planner" and currently a local HUD official, brings up Hillary and Vince Foster.

I feel confident that this story (investigations, documents, theories, testimony) will go forward for quite a while but honestly my first reaction was,

"Well, good riddance to that guy". 

Who says he was on a suicide watch?

And, from the NYT article:

"We are enormously sorry to learn of today’s news. No one should die in jail,” they said.

Do we all agree with this statement?

From FB:   If you were surprised that Jeffrey Epstein suicided, imagine how surprised he was!

annielou said:

Who’s Tom Hayden? 

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones

cubby said:

Who says he was on a suicide watch?

And, from the NYT article:

"We are enormously sorry to learn of today’s news. No one should die in jail,” they said.

Do we all agree with this statement?

Nope. He got the easy way out. Not sad he died, sad he won’t be held accountable for what he did and made to rot in jail for it. 

Everyone has a price and I think he may have been persuaded to talk. 

I also think this is a highly suspicious “suicide”.

The Metropolitan Correction Center is better known as the "Tombs"

Conflicting reports whether he was on suicide watch. But should he have been having attempted suicide less than a month ago? With so many high profile partners(!)

If he wasn't on a watch, then a bunch of people need to get fired.

If he was on  a watch, then a bigger bunch of people need to get fired.

A roundup that covers a lot of talking points:


author said:

The Metropolitan Correction Center is better known as the "Tombs"

As usual, you're incorrect.  The Tombs are the municipal jail complex in lower Manhattan.  Epstein was being held at MCC, the federal detention center in lower Manhattan.


Having had personal experience with the New York City Correction Centers............my compadres and I tended to call any place with bars where we were held as "  The Tombs"

So tell me Steve,  has the Earth stopped turning on its axis?  And where were you when..........?

author said:

Having had personal experience with the New York City Correction Centers............my compadres and I tended to call any place with bars where we were held as "  The Tombs"

So tell me Steve,  has the Earth stopped turning on its axis?  And where were you when..........?

 It would be nice if once, just once, when you made a pronouncement, you were right.  That's all.

With Strawberry gone from the scene that leaves only one prominent troll left on MOL. 

My abiding question is where did you learn your 

manners.  The same question can be asked in so many civil ways  and yet you choose the Darth Vader approach

Feel free to list my erroneous statements with the green underline method.

Criticism never bothers me.  Boorishness does.

author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones


author said:

annielou said:

Who’s Tom Hayden? 

 The consigliore to the Godfather of tbe crime family novels.  In the movie he pays a visit to a convicted capo and assures him if he commits suicide his family will be cared for by the Corleones

 The name is Tom Hagen.

Something weird happened there

annielou said:

 The name is Tom Hagen.

Thanks for the humble correction. All day I was wondering why Abbie was looking so long in the tooth.

annielou said:

Something weird happened there

 Tom Hayden was a popular figure among the new left.   He worked in Newark for a time as a community organizer with the Newark Community Union Project.  He visited North Vietnam along with Dr. Staunton Lynd and I believe former Attorney General Ramsey Clark in an attempt at securing the freedom of captured American pilots.   He was later one of the Chicago 7 prosecuted by the Nixon Administration before half of Nixon's cronies went to jail.  Later in life he married Jane Fonda.   The marriage ended in divorce.

Yes and I think he died within the past few years

annielou said:

Yes and I think he died within the past few years

 He had a black and red mid weight wool jacket that really caught my eye.  Bought one for myself and wore it as often as possible.   Tommy was one of the good guys.

librarylady said:

Really? Sureeeeeeeeeeeee


 All of which reminds us of Dylan's line       " Somebody better investigate soon"

"There should be — and almost certainly is — video of Epstein’s suicide at MCC. One hopes it is complete, conclusive, and secured."


btw - Tom Hayden was editor of the Michigan Daily when I was a freshman. 

cramer said:

"There should be — and almost certainly is — video of Epstein’s suicide at MCC. One hopes it is complete, conclusive, and secured."


btw - Tom Hayden was editor of the Michigan Daily when I was a freshman. 

 And I guess some time soon there after he co wrote The Port Huron Statement.  This in time lead to the formation of the Students for a Democratic Society.    The Red squads all across the country got to buy

much updated photography and amplified sound equipment.

The funniest thing that followed was the various administrations feeling threatened by what they considered militant Black  organizations.  The FBI was tasked to infiltrate and disrupt where possible.  The problem was

at the time there were virtually no Black FBI agents.

This appeared in the Daily Beast in early July:


“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation
hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily,
apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the
Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s
attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above
his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to
leave it alone,”
he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who
evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired
Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)

More recently, this 3-part investigative report goes into Epstein's many connections to the powerful, including international intelligence agencies (the focus of Part 3).




Most of this won't be reported in the mainstream media out of concern over its own connections to the powerful and international intelligence agencies.

We're going to get a sanitized version of Whitney Webb's reporting.

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