Workplace Compliance Services scam & Annual report

Just got this letter in the mail - it looks very similar to the annual report notice that business get - I thought maybe they changed their format from the usual purple mailer.

The form looks pretty official - but is does fairly clearly state that they are not a government agency and do not have a contract with any governmental agency.  

The form includes all correct info - business type - formation date and contact info.

What's very clever of them also is that they have a Trenton address, 1977 N. Olden Ext #650

Also as a side note - if you have registered a business through Legalzoom - they usually sign themselves up as your registered agent to file the annual report.  CHANGE THIS!  Make yourself the registered agent.  Filing an annual report sounds like a daunting task, but it takes around 2 minutes to file.

Also, my cousin changed from corporation to sole proprietor. The change was in 2014. He just got a notice that he is to be audited for compliance (or non compliance) on Workmens Comp insurance. 

I believe the deal is that a corporation must insure all of its employees and file unemployment, S.S. and so forth. This is so, even if you are the sole worker in that corporation. In that case, you have to buy the insurance for yourself. Not so as a sole proprietorship.

I suspect he may be out a couple'a hundred $$ fine on this.

Am I correct on this?

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