Crikey! That was a little tougher than I expected.
Thanks for sharing. Twas fun!
I wish they had one more color to indicate that a letter is in the right position, but it's not the only time that letter appears in a word.
mrincredible said:
Crikey! That was a little tougher than I expected.
Thanks for sharing. Twas fun!
I wish they had one more color to indicate that a letter is in the right position, but it's not the only time that letter appears in a word.
I got it by the 4th line... but I admit it was @mrincredible 's post (plus I got lucky with one letter in the word in the correct spot on my first guess) that got me there so quick.
I was trying to copy the script- looks like this one will work:
Link removed - wasn't working well
I can't make it work multiple times though.
jamie said:
I was trying to copy the script- looks like this one will work:
I can't make it work multiple times though.
A little bit slow to open but, otherwise, it's great!
Multiple times? We'd only get (even more) addicted!
ah - mine ends up being the same game. I don't think I'll be able to get around this anytime soon.
It looks like jotto is a close version of this a little different and not as slick version can be found here:
It is a lot easier when you can see the correct position.
I enjoy that it's both language and math combinations. I had another lucky guess with 2 correct letters in the first line, and got it in 3 lines.
Now maybe my brain can finally get some sleep...
sprout said:
I enjoy that it's both language and math combinations. I had another lucky guess with 2 correct letters in the first line, and got it in 3 lines.
Now maybe my brain can finally get some sleep...
I also just scored the latest one in three moves ... and now bedtime for me as well!
In Wordle, none of my guesses show any color at all, so I'm completely confused. Could it be that it doesn't work with Firefox? Anyone else successful in Firefox? Any clues??
it works on Firefox for me.
Are you clicking the "enter" button on the on-screen keyboard?
I had never heard of today's word before. So, that was a bit tough... and got me spending too much time playing with the letter combinations.
My 2 cents on gaining entry
I clicked on the original link in OP- entered without problem.
mjc said:
In Wordle, none of my guesses show any color at all, so I'm completely confused. Could it be that it doesn't work with Firefox? Anyone else successful in Firefox? Any clues??
I did go into settings and change to "Color Blind" mode which gave me more contrast. There's also a Dark Mode that may help your display.
Thanks all. "Enter" did the trick. 4 lines (and just what i need: another "quick" word game....)
What was the game we had going here a while back? I think it was a five or six letter word and the challenge was to change one letter to change the word.
mrincredible said:
What was the game we had going here a while back? I think it was a five or six letter word and the challenge was to change one letter to change the word.
All under the Word and Picture Games category, but I think this might have been the one you're referring to -
Can we share strategic hints?
I start with the word "aster". Very common letters.
mrincredible said:
Can we share strategic hints?
I start with the word "aster". Very common letters.
I took me five tries to get the word today. At four, I had one letter in the right place and two in the wrong places. I started with common letters as well.
mrincredible said:
Can we share strategic hints?
I start with the word "aster". Very common letters.
I start with "Early" and I'm at 4 in a row. Today's took me just 2 tries! (Yes, I'm bragging.) Really wish there were an archive of games to play.
I usually start with a word which contains the letters E and N, because Scrabble has taught us that these are the most common letters in the English language.
I'll jinx myself now, but I've reached each of the past three solutions in four moves using that starting technique.
you can buy the wordle game from Steam for 49 cents.
I'm installing it now. I'll let you know how it is.
OK, I've got it running. It may be called Wordle, but game play is quite different. Trying to figure out how it works.
OK. It's more like boggle than anything else. Worth the 49 cents, though I think the other wordle is more fun..
To get it, you need to set up a Steam account first, and download the Steam engine, which I had done before.
I start with a 5 letter word with only one vowel. I want to deduce the consonants first. Vowels are sometimes easier to guess based on the word the consonants make. That said, today's word I got exactly correct, but with the wrong vowel in line 3 (which is a different real word). Then got the correct word in line 4.
here's one you can play ad infinitum
First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
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Just learned of this puzzle:
You have six guesses to find the word. Each guess will tell you if any of the letters you found are present in the right position, present in the wrong position, or completely missing from the right word. New word each day.