Windows 10 vs Windows 365

I am getting caution messages, that Windows 10 will no longer be supported (no indication of cut-off date).

When will this happen?

Does anyone have experience with 365?

I think you mean Office 365.  I haven't seen any issue with Windows 10.

Do you have a subscription?

Can you take a screenshot of the error message?

365 may no longer be supported with Windows 7.

Sorry, laptop runs on Windows 10.  I purchased Microsoft Office about 5 years ago.  Recently, when I open Excel (possibly also PowerPoint & Publisher, the only 3 products I use), I get a pop-up message that support is running out, and that I should upgrade to Office 365.

Will try to take screenshot next time.

Microsoft Office has been rebranded to Office 365. 

vermontgolfer said:

Microsoft Office has been rebranded to Office 365. 

I don't think so -- I think they are two different versions of the product.  Office is a one-time purchase standalone program, and 365 is the cloud-based subscription version.  Rather like lease versus own in cars.

I could be mistaken, but I believe Microsoft is moving to a cloud based subscription rather than an individual periodic purchase of their software. 

vermontgolfer said:

I could be mistaken, but I believe Microsoft is moving to a cloud based subscription rather than an individual periodic purchase of their software. 

 That is their goal, but they haven't pulled the plug on stand-alone purchase of Office. It may happen some day, but not in the near future, whatever that may be.

That same notice popped up on my screen today - I may have inadvertently hit "help" within Outlook.

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