Windows 10 has crashed my 12 yr old son's Alienware X51- we are desperate!

My son counted down to install windows 10 (for unknown reasons). The day it was available he clicked on the upgrade button and now for 2 days his screen has been black. At one point he had a cursor on the screen but now there is nothing, nada!

We couldn't help him yesterday because had to go to Long Island to my mother in law's house for the holiday and today my husband went to work and I had to be gone all day at training for my new job leaving the kids here with the 14 yr old in charge but now I am home and trying to see what I can do.

Any suggestions?!

If the computer operates on a battery, remove or discharge the battery completely. Then plug in the computer to household current and press down the power button for about 20 seconds or more. This solved my problem when the same thing happened to me.

No gamer teen also rushed to upgrade our/her Lenovo gaming machine the instant the upgrade was offered, but had no similar problems, so nothing to offer.

(I had counselled her against being an early adopter, but she went forward in spite of the warning that any problems would be hers to solve)

Best of luck!

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50 Nerds of Grey ‏@50NerdsofGrey Sep 7

'I've been a very bad girl,' she said, biting her lip. 'I need to be punished.'
'Very well,' he said and installed Windows 10 on her laptop.

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We were very desperate so I called Dell and THEY FIXED IT. Now listen to what i had to do.

I had to get an HDMI cable and attempt to plug it into the monitor via the tower. That wasn't possible so I had to take the tower with the keyboard and plug it into a tv with the HDMI chord and then after typing some cryptic code the Dell guy was like IN THE COMPUTER. He fixed it but it wasn't easy. He had to do like 20 things first. The last thing I had him do was uninstall Windows 10 and go back to Windows 8.1 which he also did.

We unplugged it from the tv and back into the monitor and it was fixed. It took almost an hour- seems silly that Dell had to fix what Microsoft created...

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