WinAntivirus Pro 2007: Red Alert archived

How do I get rid of this repulsive thing? It is wreaking havoc on my computing experience. Countless popups, even though I am using Verizon Security Suite.

I don't find it when I go into Control Panel/Add/Remove Programs.

No idea how it found it's way onto our computer. Probably the kids (I am tempted to spank both of them vigorously).


Is this part of IE? If so, you should be able to disable it there.

I disabled my windows anti-virus when I installed Symmantic. On installation, Symmantic gave me the recommended option of turning the windows anti-virus off. Never had a problem since then except for spybot notifying me regularly that the program is disabled.

WinAntiVirus Pro 2007 Removal Instructions
WinAntiVirus Pro 2007 is counterfeit anti-spyware software. WinAntiVirus Pro 2007 usually installed itself onto your PC without your permission, through Trojan and virus. WinAntiVirus Pro 2007 will display fake system alerts or fake security alerts to trick user to buy the Paid Version of WinAntiVirus Pro 2007....

Thanks for information dogbert.

Sounds scary. Take a big hammer to it and then go to the Apple store :bigsmile:

This is one of those problems that can't usually be solved with automated methods (like Norton, etc). I call them "persistent" malware issues; usually you need a specially-focused cleaner application, or you need to jump into the registry.

I'd like to give you the solution, but I've long suspected that many people are far too attached to their technological devices. I'm especially concerned about the children; what kind of a world will we have when our young people are enslaved by these diabolical computers?

I think your best answer would be to eschew technology, and pick up a good old fashioned yellow pad.

PS - I'll be happy to print out MOL for you and mail it to you from time to time, if you like.

Unless you were already previously infected with some other malicious program, someone (maybe the kids as you say) had to intentionally install this program. Treat it like the kids cracking up the car. How would you react to that?

Do you have a different anti-virus program installed? If not, you need one once you're done cleaning this up. If you do, it should have screamed bloody murder when this installation was done.

I have Verizon Internet "Security" Suite (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, popup blocker). Lotta good it did me. And I've spent a lot of time on the phone with them -- no improvement. One tech support person even told me the program must have come from Microsoft, and found it's way to my computer during a Windows update, but I don't accept that. Some of the "Install Now!" prompts are riddled with grammatical errors and do not give you any options to close the program.

Can one take one's computer somewhere and have it cleaned up? I'm not qualified to go into my registry.

Pay no attention to Case and his hurtful remarks during my hour of need. I have a plan for him.

We still have AOL and their spyware program always seems to get reloaded somehow after we remove it, conflicting with Norton and blocking our access to the 'net. I installed McAfee and hopefully that will do better with these issues.

Hurtful? I'm shocked and insulted - I'm merely trying to point out that some people seem to be addicted to their electronic crutches and are unable to function without them. Perhaps you should view this situation as an opportunity, not a crisis: throw away your computer and go back to basics! Go outside, walk around, read a book... don't let yourself be enslaved by a computer.

I'm a little concerned that you're not even visiting stores anymore, but instead making your purchases via the home-shopping network. Don't you see that technology is hurting you?

PS - I think you were wise to remove your post about the knife that you bought... it seemed childish (even for you), and a bit threatening.

At any rate... if you INSIST on remaining dependent upon that technological nightmare you call a computer.... why not visit and see what they'll do for you? Their prices are pretty high, but if you can't live without your computer I'm sure it'll be worthwhile to you.

My wife took the knives away, that is no longer an option.

You can always hang yourself, I suppose. That's a good old-fashioned solution.

Remember.... reject technology!

Thanks for the best laugh this week case (and ligeti you make a great straight man)!!!!

I wonder if this problem has been resolved? I hate giving valuable advice and not finding out the ultimate resolution... oh well...

Go to your Control Panel, go to Add or Remove Programs, search to see if WinAntivirus is stored there, and delete it and/or uninstall it. Then you may want to do a disk clean-up later.

this may have taken a little more than add or remove programs

No, getting worse...I spent several hours working with Verizon Internet Security Suite tech support, they went into the registry and removed some stuff, but I keep getting alerts and popups. Yes, this is beyond Add/Remove Programs. I wish I could determine how WinAntiSpyware2007 found its way onto my computer so that I could warn you all.

Maybe Verizon is the problem...I wonder if I subscribing to Norton or Macafee would help.

ligeti, I googled "removing winantivirus" and got many hits. This may be the most helpful one, because it's easiest to follow. No guarantees, though.

Thanks, Tom, I'll give it a shot. Hopefully I can soon return full-time to exposing the pitfalls of the digital lifestyle, IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder) and most importantly, IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome).

There are lot of people who need my help. Beady-eyed agoraphobes who live in dark chambers, hunched over stained keyboards, awash in the blue haze of multiple over-sized computer screens. The isolation...the compulsive pecking of buttons...the pile of ragged, malodorous dot com T-shirts littering the floor. Even their mothers are afraid to intrude.

You have to feel something for these poor souls.

All kidding aside, I told you that this wouldn't be a simple fix (for the average home user). Using commercial tools won't cut it. When I had to remove this for a friend a few months ago, it took me over an hour to finally knock it out. The checklist Tom provided looks good; I'm sure you'll sail right through it...

Obviously you must be very close to fixing your computer, since you're back to 'normal' re: your typical posts about 'agoraphobes'. Would these be the kind of people who buy things online or via the television? Would their mothers be afraid to intrude on them because of their repressed rage and fascination with phallic symbols like knives? cheese It must be horrible to be addicted to the internet AND not have a working computer, hmm?

I'm sure you'll be back to compulsively pecking buttons soon. Then we can all enjoy your 'informative and helpful' posts once more. Well... 'informative and helpful', with the occasional cry for help!

And remember, can get you up and running for only a few hundred dollars...


hey wait a minute, I buy things online, and have a fascination with my phallic symbol, I even get jealous when it goes online without me.

How does it use the keyboard? Mine can't press just one key at a time due to size issues....

it uses voice commands of course, although I did have to build an extra large keyboard for it, sometimes it just feels the need to pound on the keys.

Well... ask it if it has heard about this WinAntiVirusPro thing - apparently it's been a real problem lately....

I guess we'll never know if this got resolved or not.

It's not resolved. ligeti tells me the PC is quite unusable now, after spending many hours, with outside help, trying to eradicate this beast. He's ready to wipe and reinstall. I'm trying to talk him into trying Linux. It's not just for geeks any more, and it can't be worse than the experience he's had with Windows.

Well... I know why *I* didn't offer to fix this for Ligeti (I mean, hell, I've fixed this one before)... but why didn't Monster volunteer? I thought HE was a nice guy!

I hope that Ligeti has finally overcome the Custom Ringtone crisis?

I thought Tom was fixing it, and I wanted to be asked.

I discovered the cell telephone I have is a special one and has a vibrator attached to it that goes off when calls come in. So I erased all the ringing sounds. I just hope I'm not getting charged extra for this feature. It's WAY better than having to listen to those infantile ringtones.

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