which outdoor facilities are open?

I'd like to use Undeerhill Field, SMR esp. the dog park etc.  which of these and similar facilities are open for use?


I know SMR is open but not sure if the dog park is yet, as I don't have a dog anymore.  You are still supposed to wear a mask while in the SMR or walking on the path around the reservoir.  Golf courses are also open, though having said that, I don't know if it includes the mini golf by McLoones.

A friend told me that Underhill Field was closed.  However, that was a few weeks ago.  Best to go by and see for yourself.  Dog Park in SMR is likely still closed. SMR is open but limited capacity.  Wearing a face covering while in SMR is required.

Current situation at Underhill is unclear.  The main gate has No Trespassing signs- though these are the type anyone can buy and hang.  Around back there is a gate that was wide open.  I drove up there and saw a few small groups of boys.  Didn’t try the dog park yet.

Apollo_T said:

Current situation at Underhill is unclear.  The main gate has No Trespassing signs- though these are the type anyone can buy and hang.  Around back there is a gate that was wide open.  I drove up there and saw a few small groups of boys.  Didn’t try the dog park yet.

 Yes, kids are jumping the fence by Clinton School.  Not sure when they'll re-open it.

mulemom said:

I know SMR is open but not sure if the dog park is yet, as I don't have a dog anymore.  You are still supposed to wear a mask while in the SMR or walking on the path around the reservoir.  Golf courses are also open, though having said that, I don't know if it includes the mini golf by McLoones.

 I believe the mini golf and treetop adventure by McLoone's opened today.

South Orange Pool update as of a phone call to the rec department today. The pool will open July 6th and limit the number of people to 300 at a time. They were looking at a reservations system but that sounds like it's been shelved.

The woman I spoke to said attendance most days is usually under 300.

I would feel comfortable going and taking a swim but I'm not sure about spending much time there. I will reserve judgement for when I can see how everything has been configured. Spending time at the pool with other families has been one of our favorite activities for year now. I'm not sure we can do that and stay distanced.

Just went to Dog Park in Res... it's OPEN.

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