What type of work person should come fix our gas stove in NYC?

Does it have to be a plumber?

Best Regards,

Ron Carter

It's not a plumber at all. It's an appliance repair technician.

Call your gas utility. They may do it for free.

for PSEG, you needed a maintenance plan for them to do it for 'free' some years ago, my oven broke..i signed up for a plan...waited 6 months to make it look good...and they fixed it...turned out to be a minor problem....i wasn't using it often to begin with so the 6 months wasn't a big deal...at the time I was working about 9am-8pm and had no time for cooking...

PSEG isn't in NYC. If it's Brooklyn, you can contact Brooklyn Union Gas (National Grid) to ask who they'd recommend

Turns out it's Con Ed and they are being called today! Thanks everyone!

As Best A Happy New Year as will be possible!


You live in NYC now? We are in the Village.

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