soda - We've been going to Primavera for years - it's our favorite restaurant. The red snapper is everyone's favorite.
BTW: The "Other Restaurant" referred to on the above website is just a ways north, at the big hotel. Up there, they claim to serve the "best Italian food in North Jersey". Yet another reason to like La Primavera Trattoria: All they wanna be is the best Italian restaurant on PVW...
Apologies to "MAD".
When we moved from SOMa to WO Town (sp?), we knew we might need to find new go-to eateries, be they Asian, Italian, or whatever, so naturally I tried the local Bill & Harry's (I still don't know which B&H it's related to, i.e. the one in Mplwd or the one on Rte 10 in E. Hanover)... but I liked our old Mplwd B&H better, so I kept looking for superior Chinese food, happily ending my search at The Noble East in Montclair Things they don't mention on the website: (A) The place's background music is Dixieland, and (2) End your meal with a complimentary hot towel! It's run by the same folks responsible for what calls the "Best in North Jersey", Hunan Taste in Denville...
This may somehow seem like thread drift, but I'm just sayin': you should go...
Bryan Gregg isn't doing the Wine Legend thing anymore? That's too bad; we'd been meaning to try that forever.
soda said:
As a recent arrival to WO Town, it behooves me to beef up this category with a thread about our area's eateries.
For starters, I'll just throw out two places I've liked: La Primavera Trattoria (You should go.) and Brian Gregg's recent stint at Wine Legend (Too late, sorry...).
It seems needlessly generous of me to praise an eatery which regularly has diners waiting to be seated due to the excellence of its food. It's Rezza, found at the intersection of Eagle Rock Ave. & Eisenhower Pkwy. in Roseland, just 5.5 miles from my door. Check 'em out if you wanna explore...
BTW: This is what it looked like last Friday night.
Klinker said:
Am I the only one here who reads this thread title as "Westeros"?
Me too and loved the title.
Folks seem to like this place (just up the street from La Primavera which we love), but I'm not sure why. Can anybody explain?
Do you consider Caldwell within range? Then check out DOUGH, on Bloomfield Ave.!
The place was nearly deserted when I arrived today (just before the kitchen closed till dinner), and I enjoyed their lunch special: a surprisingly lovely spinach salad and a glorious 9" sausage pizza... BTW: It's a DEAL!
After just one meal there, I hesitate to compare DOUGH to Arturo's, but the similarities encourage more visits, and maybe down the road... Anyone have an opinion already?
Here's a nugget from ten years ago. You may regard it as thread drift. I consider it deep background...
"While Dr. Foodnazi's Away... Edited Jun 5, 2008 at 3:17am
May 3rd was my good friend Dr. Whyme's 60th Natal Day. Now, we used to do the same thing every year to celebrate each other's birthdays: within a week of each of our special days, we'd take one another out for an excellent meal (usually to a steakhouse like Ruth's Chris, or a Chinese eatery like Mr. Chu's on Rte 10). For the past two years, though, we haven't been able to observe his on a timely basis, because for the past two years, his LUV-ly wife (Dr. Foodnazi) has clamped down. You see, she always does the entire week's food shopping on Sundays, based totally upon week-long lists of dinner menus which she puts together from recipes she clips from the "Times" every night before bed.
Now, don't get me wrong: these meals are always inventive, low-fat, and savory (I know, because I show up for dinner at their Bergen County home with some regularity), and are prepped fresh each day by Birdie, the family Cook/Cleaning Lady/Plant Waterer, and left in the Coolerator for Dr. F to simply pop into the oven, onto the grill, or whatever. With such a fool-proof system in place, it's no wonder that she and my pal are both very trim. Most hubbies would adore such excellent suppers every night...
But since 2006, on the Sundays of the weeks before, of, and after his big day, she's conveniently forgotten our buddy-bonding get-togethers, and bought the full week's worth of groceries anyhow. Then she's pointedly prohibited him from dining anywhere but at home, since "I've bought all this food, and I won't let it go to waste". Puts something of a damper on our fun, dontchaknow.
This year, though, Dr. Whyme and I had a plan. We'd pretend to forget that his birthday fell in the merry month of May, and plan his birthday feast for the month after (specifically tomorrow night), while Dr. F's out of town at a medical conference. Sure, the food's all there in the fridge, but this will be one night when it'll stay there.
So tomorrow evening, it'll be drinks, Dry-Aged Prime Beef, Potatoes Lyonnaise, Asparagus Hollandaise, and Hot Apple Pie with a Slab of Vermont Cheddar. And no recriminations!
If this works, we'll try the same thing for my birthday in August."
Not that much, I have to say. Whenever I'd go, it'd be less good than I'd remembered it from the time before; kind of a downward spiral in its last few years. You know you can get their more famous items at Fairchild's Market in Roseland though, right?
I miss it as a distinctive visual landmark, certainly preferable to a chain pharmacy. As a restaurant, I thought it was a dump.
kenboy said:
Not that much, I have to say. Whenever I'd go, it'd be less good than I'd remembered it from the time before; kind of a downward spiral in its last few years. You know you can get their more famous items at Fairchild's Market in Roseland though, right?
Yup, but the only "famous" Pals menu item I ever hankered for was the Grilled Redwood, which over time (since the Pals-to-Fairchild's switch) has shrunk (meat-wise) to a pale shadow of its original girth. BTW: Here's a graphic from that time. Note the prices...
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First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
As a recent arrival to WO Town, it behooves me to beef up this category with a thread about our area's eateries.
For starters, I'll just throw out two places I've liked: La Primavera Trattoria (You should go.) and Brian Gregg's recent stint at Wine Legend (Too late, sorry...).