Village Green subscription going directly to junk. How to fix?

I usually read my Village Green subscription on my Kindle Fire or my cell phone but sometimes on our laptop.  For some time it had been going directly to junk.  I tried to fix this by Adding a second subscription tied to a different email address.  This worked for awhile, but now the original subscription is again going directly to junk and I don't even get the new one.I sent an email to Village Green, but they have not replied.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Opening only via junk on the Kindle Fire has become a Roya PIA.

What email are you using?  I use gmail and I am able to select items in my junk mail folder and identify them as not junk mail so that future emails go to my inbox

Add the email address from Village Green to your contacts.  That should make the emails not go to junk.

spontaneous said:

What email are you using?  I use gmail and I am able to select items in my junk mail folder and identify them as not junk mail so that future emails go to my inbox

Despite doing this For months, for some reason Village Green is the only item where this doesn't work. Thanks anyhow.

nohero said:

Add the email address from Village Green to your contacts.  That should make the emails not go to junk.

 Thanks, I'll try this.

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