Video to digital advice

I have all the old videos from my wedding through 19 years of childrearing. I would like to transfer them myself to a newer more stable format. Thinking of transferring them to DVD - but I don't know if that is best...or what equipment is best. I'd love some suggestions.

FYI I will not pay a service to do this. I have so many videos and don't have the money that I'm sure this will cost.

Come on now, with all the tech knowledge on this board there must be some suggestions.

You have to give people time to get out of work and on the train!

What kind of computer do you have? There are gadgets that let you take the output from a VCR to the USB port on your computer. Some come with editing software.

I'm waaaaaay too impatient-people always tell me that! I have a couple of options. An old MacBook. And my husband has a new HP.

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