Vet who will do house calls for euthansia

I think the end is near for my cat.  His hind quarters just don't work any more when he tries to walk.  It started yesterday.  It's pretty sad.  He is generally alert  and comfortable, but he just can't walk.  I need to help him drink water or use his litter box.

So, I was wondering what vets will make house calls for last rites.

So sorry about this, I had a vet come to my house in June for this, her name is Dr. Barns but I have lost her contact info, if you do a search you might find my thread or another thread on this subject. Always so sad.

Thanks.  I found her -

sorry you are having to do this, hohenfels.  LOL 

so sorry. We also used EleosVet to put down our dog. Best decision. Vet was so nice and calm and accomodating. She and my husband lay on the floor under our kitchen table with our fading dog (it was her favorite place) and put her down there. The vet spent a good amount of time with my husband & our dog soothing them and talking them through.

Yes, Dr. Barns was lovely and very calming to my cat and my family.

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