
You get on Trump's good side by putting his name on anything.  Ben knows how to play him.

STANV said:
Can it get any worse?

Israel always enjoyed support across the political spectrum. By siding with the GOP they may score some short term wins, but they are going to regret this later.

Why think small? Rename the Golan Heights, Trump Heights.

They're naming it Schmendrick, aren't they?

Two racists, cut from the same cloth.  

We're talking about a guy (Bibi) who's slept in Jared's room at the Kushner clan's home. That's how tight these fcukers are. This is a marriage made in hell.

Sure, name a settlement after DJT. That's perfect. 

Can it get any worse??  I don't recognize Israel any more.  

it's got to be a major step down in branding for the settlement to be named after Trump 

ml1 said:
it's got to be a major step down in branding for the settlement to be named after Trump 

 It'll be the best settlement.

Putin is clearly controlling Netanyahu.  If you look closely you can see the strings. 

Silly comment. I am rather surprised.

Perhaps you do not understand that Jewish Americans have an attachment to Israel and have defended it in the face of criticism.  While understanding that no country is perfect we would hope for some modicum of decency and democracy. Considering the history of persecution of the Jews culminating in genocide at the hands of Fascists we are appalled at the embrace by the PM of authoritarians and neofascists and his abandonment of any pretense of adherence to international law or commitment to Peace

Donald Trump represents the opposite of the values historically embraced by the majority of American Jews. 

The irony is that, while probably not the first Trump branded properties to be restricted, in this case the restriction would be to Jewish residents only.

nohero said:
The irony is that, while probably not the first Trump branded properties to be restricted, in this case the restriction would be to Jewish residents only.

 Netanyahu will probably waive that requirement for Trump when he flees America seeking refuge.

nohero said:

ml1 said:
it's got to be a major step down in branding for the settlement to be named after Trump 
 It'll be the best settlement.

 Trump's understanding was that Jerusalem would be the settlement in question. There's no pleasing some folks.

STANV said:
Silly comment. I am rather surprised.
Perhaps you do not understand that Jewish Americans have an attachment to Israel and have defended it in the face of criticism.  While understanding that no country is perfect we would hope for some modicum of decency and democracy. Considering the history of persecution of the Jews culminating in genocide at the hands of Fascists we are appalled at the embrace by the PM of authoritarians and neofascists and his abandonment of any pretense of adherence to international law or commitment to Peace
Donald Trump represents the opposite of the values historically embraced by the majority of American Jews. 

 Oh. You're still mad about Trump. By what measure is Trump a neofascist where his drone bombing, kill list having, citizen spying,  country destroying predecessor was not? 

Trump began his campaign by attacking a specific ethnic group. He has further targeted that group by separating children from their parents and, aside from ethnic identity he has separated children from their parents.he has called for baring people from entry to this country based solely on their religion. He has called people marching under the Nazi Flag chanting "Jews will not replace us" as including some very fine people. He has stated publicly that he favors torture. 

he threatens and/or encourages physical violence against political opponents and the Press.

There is no moral equivalence between the fascist Hitler and the imperialist Churchill. There is no moral equivalence between the Holocaust and the bombing of German cities by the allies.

Trump poses an physical threat to large portions of this country's population. He poses threats to the foundations of the Country and its laws. If trump had his way those who hold your political opinions and those who hold my political opinions would be silenced and imprisoned. I do not believe that to be true of Trump's predecessors.

You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 

Also, while I did not like his response to the Charlottesville, I don't think he said that. 

An alleged illegal settlement gets an alleged criminal's name

terp said:
You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 

I know that the police can kill african americans and other minorities on our streets without any recourse, but that hardly started under Obama. Is that what you are referring to?

lord_pabulum said:
An alleged illegal settlement 

The principal of territorial integrity is enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations so what part of annexing territory gained by conquest is not illegal?

terp said:
You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 

I don't realize that. I know that a Washington Post journalist was killed by the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the current President refused to take any action for fear of losing potential income from the murderers, but perhaps that is a different issue.

I am ready to be educated about a prior President establishing that I can be killed without my survivors having recourse.

STANV said:

terp said:
You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 
I don't realize that. I know that a Washington Post journalist was killed by the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the current President refused to take any action for fear of losing potential income from the murderers, but perhaps that is a different issue.
I am ready to be educated about a prior President establishing that I can be killed without my survivors having recourse.

 See https://www.aclu.org/cases/al-aulaqi-v-panetta-constitutional-challenge-killing-three-us-citizens?redirect=targetedkillings

proeasdf said:

STANV said:

terp said:
You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 
I don't realize that. I know that a Washington Post journalist was killed by the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the current President refused to take any action for fear of losing potential income from the murderers, but perhaps that is a different issue.
I am ready to be educated about a prior President establishing that I can be killed without my survivors having recourse.
 See https://www.aclu.org/cases/al-aulaqi-v-panetta-constitutional-challenge-killing-three-us-citizens?redirect=targetedkillings

So how come we don't hear you about all the african americans that get murdered by white cops, boris?

basil said:

proeasdf said:

STANV said:

terp said:
You realize his predecessor established that you or I could be killed without any recourse to the law.  Yes? 
I don't realize that. I know that a Washington Post journalist was killed by the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the current President refused to take any action for fear of losing potential income from the murderers, but perhaps that is a different issue.
I am ready to be educated about a prior President establishing that I can be killed without my survivors having recourse.
 See https://www.aclu.org/cases/al-aulaqi-v-panetta-constitutional-challenge-killing-three-us-citizens?redirect=targetedkillings
So how come we don't hear you about all the african americans that get murdered by white cops, boris?

 Is the above bolded question addressed to me?

If so, why are you calling me "boris"?

He's treating you with disdain because you are not falling in line with the accepted narrative. 

So this thread isn't about Trump and Bibi anymore?

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