My condolences. It’s going to be a rough few days, or even weeks, for you. Always so hard to lose a beloved pet.
Heartbreaking. Condolences from my household to yours, Peter. We lost our beloved dogs a few years ago, and we think of them every day. I wish they could live as long as humans. Thanks for giving Keegan a wonderful life.
So sorry, Peter. You gave him a great life and a comforted end, but it's still hard.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know too well how much it hurts to say goodbye. Letting him go gently was the last loving gift you could give Keegan. I hope in time the memories of him will bring smiles instead of tears.
Very sorry to hear this; thank you for sharing here online, and I hope the outpouring of sympathy you're receiving back somewhat eases the pain.
So so sorry for you and your wife Peter. You gave Keegan a great life and he enriched yours as well. May Keegan continue to be there for you both in your fondest memories.
He is everywhere, but he's not here. Now we have the long string of first times absolutely stopping us dead in our tracks and suddenly crying.
He was one for just laying out for a tummy rub. Any time, anywhere.
He would get up to the highest point he could and perch for a bit and then just snooze.
So sorry, Peter and Kira! He was such a good boy, and you gave him a good good life! sending love.
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Here's the last image of him curled up and sleeping with his beloved Peep. It's hard to describe how much he loved Peep. I'm sure he knew I was taking a portrait of the two of them.
Keegan came to us in December of 2008 with the help of some MOLers somewhere who put a good word in for me and put me first in line to adopt this incredible dog. We're forever grateful to justmelaura and her sister for cleaning him up on the spot so I could take him home.
I hope you find all the treats you want wherever you are, my friend. We were absolutely devastated to let you go this morning but it was the last good thing we could do for you after all the good things you did for us.