The best part of growing old.....

When you figure out, you're the crazy old uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.


Setting your alarm for work.  Turning off the alarm when it rings.  And going back to sleep.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
When you figure out, you're the crazy old uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.

As someone who’s been reading your comments here for several years now, I can only wonder: What took you so long?

... is that you are still growing.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
When you figure out, you're the crazy old uncle at Thanksgiving dinner.


 Having four older siblings, I was fairly young when I figured that out....

joan_crystal said:
... is that you are still growing.

 You make me smile so often, Joan.

it’s a mixed bag. No work, but no knees.

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