Sweet, small Bichon Frise FOUND a new home yay!

This sweet dog Lily was the companion dog to a nun who has Parkinson's and cannot care for her. Lily is about 9 years old, a small Bichon Frise, housebroken and an amazing companion dog with a very sweet disposition. Is anyone interested? Or do you know someone who might be? Please let me know. You would be doing a great mercy.

My mom would love this dog. Her companion dog passed last year. Very experienced having had about 10 dogs over her lifetime.

The woman I was thinking of just told me she's in the process of adopting another dog.

She's found a home! I <3 MOL! thank you!

So glad to hear it, addiemoose!

addiemoose said:
She's found a home! I <3 MOL! thank you!

Hooray! Maybe change the thread title (we can do that now) to reflect this? I'm so glad she has a new home.

Good ending. Please change the thread title.

You should be able to edit your original post. There is a link that says edit.

fabulouswalls said:
You should be able to edit your original post. There is a link that says edit.

Actually, you have to back up farther than the OP now to edit the title. You need to go back to the listing of the threads in any given category. There, it will say "edit" under the title of your thread.

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