Surgery for osteoarthritis?

My finger joints are now so swollen that they get caught in door handles. I understand there's a surgery where they peel back the skin on the fingers and scrape away the nodules. Has anyone had this done? Is it worth the pain etc? Fwiw I'm 58 and in good health.

Someone at my physical therapy sessions had surgery for arthritis where her joints were fused. She said she has no more pain, but cannot flex the first joint. Her surgeon was in NYC. I recommend Dr. Matthew Zornitzer (saw him for my broken elbow) at the Center of Orthopaedics on Pleasant Valley Way in West Orange and Accelerated Hand Therapy on Northfield.

Thanks musicmz. It doesn't look like it's worth it, for me. If my joint is immovable it's just as likely to get stuck in door handles etc.

You may be writing about two different surgical procedures. Scraping is different from fusing. If you haven't spoken with a doctor or even gotten a second opinion, I would strongly suggest having one that specializes in osteoarthritis take a look at your hand and see what treatment s/he recommends. Why suffer if there is a workable solution. You have a problem now that does not appear to be going away on its own. Worst case scenario, doctors don't think there is a workable solution. Best case scenario, the condition can be remedied.

Joan is right; you should at least see a real doctor (we don't count). Dr. Zornitzer is a hand specialist, but I know of at least three other local doctors and a few NYC ones who send their patients to hand therapy with me.

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