Why our party is in trouble

I'm reading on CNN about the Democratic primary fight in NYC between Maloney and Nadler.  Their districts were combined.  Two Dems each over 70 accusing each other of poor health, sleeping in Congress, and dementia.  We desperately need this party to start running people in their 30's for office.  Both of these people should step down.  Talk about holding on to power too long.  

DanDietrich said:

I'm reading on CNN about the Democratic primary fight in NYC between Maloney and Nadler.  Their districts were combined.  Two Dems each over 70 accusing each other of poor health, sleeping in Congress, and dementia.  We desperately need this party to start running people in their 30's for office.  Both of these people should step down.  Talk about holding on to power too long.  

I support age limits for public office and judgeships.  70 seems like a good cutoff.

70 or under if you would turn 70 during the term.  I really hope that Pelosi is mentoring several young women.  And I don't mean younger than her, I mean 35 or 40 years old.

The problem is corruption, senility, and stupidity, not age.   Stop being ageist.  

Oh stop.  You can't stop people from calling out the failures of a generation just by claiming ageism.  The old generation of democrats in office failed so spectacularly to do anything progressive or real with the power they had that voters lost interest and the tea party appeared.  Trump would never have had a chance to gain power if the general population thought that Congress was working  steadily to fix the underlying issues in our society.  And now those same people are refusing to get out of the way and let younger people try to solve the problems that they kicked down the road.  Old politicians have left us swamped in debt, owned by corporations we can no longer effectively tax, and now the supreme court is destroying women's rights.  As much as I loved RBG, she should have retired when Democrats controlled the Senate.  Instead she held on because she felt that no one younger could be as effective as she was.  

At the local level people who have lived here for 40 years or more and voted against every tax increase are now upset that money needs to be spent on schools and infrastructure and want an exemption.  But they want every dollar they can get for their house when they leave.  All the problems have been kicked down for the next generation to deal with.

I agree that Congress in particular has been pretty ineffective for some time and needs to pull its collective pants up, stop relying on the executive, and work back to being an equal and active branch of government.  But it's not just the Dems who have been holding things up.  Remember Newt?  Seen Mitch around?  There is one party that imo wants government to fail.  That said, let's get some D leadership that can find ways around the roadblocks and bring the country into the 21st c.

DanDietrich said:

We desperately need this party to start running people in their 30's for office.

How do you feel about mid-20's? Meet Maxwell Frost -

Progressive activist Maxwell Frost, one of the first members of Generation Z to run for Congress, has won his Democratic primary, according to a race call by The Associated Press.

Frost's win nearly secures his path to Congress since the Orlando-based seat is considered a solidly Democratic district. Frost will face off against Republican Calvin Wimbish in November. ...

At 25 years old, Frost just qualifies for the age requirement to serve in the U.S. House. The 2022 midterms mark the first election where members of Generation Z can run for congressional office. The Pew Research Center considers anyone born between 1997 and 2012 to be Gen Z.

The first Gen Z candidate wins a congressional primary : Live Coverage: 2022 Primaries : NPR

nohero said:

The first Gen Z candidate wins a congressional primary : Live Coverage: 2022 Primaries : NPR

he reminds me of Trevor Noah. That’s the energy we need. I’m surely going to be following him. 


not nice to laugh at people's names, but "Calvin Wimbish"?

(end drift)

mjc said:


not nice to laugh at people's names, but "Calvin Wimbish"?

(end drift)

I’m afraid we might become more familiar with that name, especially if trumpenstein endorses him.

nohero said:

DanDietrich said:

We desperately need this party to start running people in their 30's for office.

How do you feel about mid-20's? Meet Maxwell Frost -

Progressive activist Maxwell Frost, one of the first members of Generation Z to run for Congress, has won his Democratic primary, according to a race call by The Associated Press.

Frost's win nearly secures his path to Congress since the Orlando-based seat is considered a solidly Democratic district. Frost will face off against Republican Calvin Wimbish in November. ...

At 25 years old, Frost just qualifies for the age requirement to serve in the U.S. House. The 2022 midterms mark the first election where members of Generation Z can run for congressional office. The Pew Research Center considers anyone born between 1997 and 2012 to be Gen Z.

The first Gen Z candidate wins a congressional primary : Live Coverage: 2022 Primaries : NPR

The age requirement is due to the continental congress realizing that many may not mature until a certain age. Setting 25 as a reasonable age of development.

But brain capability is lost when people age. They didn't put an upper age limit on serving in office because it was very rare then to live beyond 70. Also, the very few who then lived to that age had the grace to retire. 

With our modern diets and medicine aging beyond 70 is normal. Consequently, we have geriatric leaders hanging on for ever. A political and judicial leadership whose cultural acclimatization is from 50 years ago that does not serve modern needs. Why hang on? Do they feel indispensable? Or is it also selfishness?

RTrent said:

The age requirement is due to the continental congress realizing that many may not mature until a certain age. Setting 25 as a reasonable age of development.

Background from the House website:

“The founders initially set 21, the voting age, as the minimum age to serve in the House. During the Federal Constitutional Convention, though, George Mason of Virginia moved to make the age 25. Mason said that there should be a period between being free to manage one’s own affairs and managing the ‘affairs of a great nation.’ Convention Delegate James Wilson of Pennsylvania objected to the suggestion that any further restrictions be placed on House membership, and cited the service of William Pitt as a counterexample. Pitt, who held office at the time of the Convention, was the youngest prime minister in British history at the age of 24. Nevertheless, Mason’s amendment passed seven states to three.”


Why is congress full of baby boomers? Aren’t millennials the majority? Soon gen z will be the majority. I’m just tired of these baby boomers who criticize millennials for being out of touch. It’s the reverse actually. Right now we have more old people in congress than the republicans. We have to do something about this. When these boomers were filling up congress, we did well because they were young. But it seems now that they’re old, they don’t want to give the younger generation a chance. But these young people are majority liberals, so what is the issue? 

The title of this thread is off-putting. Only Democrats need to respond? 

mtierney said:

The title of this thread is off-putting. Only Democrats need to respond? 

I can't imagine you having anything useful to add.

mtierney said:

The title of this thread is off-putting. Only Democrats need to respond? 

just stay away please. Keep your silly cartoons for your thread…the rose garden was butchered by your president and First Lady. 

GoSlugs said:

mtierney said:

The title of this thread is off-putting. Only Democrats need to respond? 

I can't imagine you having anything useful to add.

This comment is good for every thread.

RTrent said:

The age requirement is due to the continental congress realizing that many may not mature until a certain age. Setting 25 as a reasonable age of development.

But brain capability is lost when people age. They didn't put an upper age limit on serving in office because it was very rare then to live beyond 70. Also, the very few who then lived to that age had the grace to retire. 

With our modern diets and medicine aging beyond 70 is normal. Consequently, we have geriatric leaders hanging on for ever. A political and judicial leadership whose cultural acclimatization is from 50 years ago that does not serve modern needs. Why hang on? Do they feel indispensable? Or is it also selfishness?

Bruce J. Oreck, U.S. ambassador -

“There is an incredible reticence of the older generation to pass on the torch,” he added, noting, “No decision that any of these knuckleheads in Congress are making today will impact them. They’re not going to live through the climate crisis.”

“The purpose of an institution is to serve the current and future population, not to preserve the institution itself”.

There is a large group of old white men in Washington D.C. slowly but steadily ruining our country.  The group is made up of some Republicans and some Democrats.  They gain power and hold on as long as humanly possible.  It's disgusting.

The reason the Democratic party is in trouble is because they are going to be associated with the Covid hysteria.  Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc.  Time is going to prove that a less and less popular and wise position. 

terp said:

The reason the Democratic party is in trouble is because they are going to be associated with the Covid hysteria.  Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc.  Time is going to prove that a less and less popular and wise position. 

LOL you're wrong.

drummerboy said:

terp said:

The reason the Democratic party is in trouble is because they are going to be associated with the Covid hysteria.  Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc.  Time is going to prove that a less and less popular and wise position. 

LOL you're wrong.

I look forward to your nervous breakdown in November. 

terp said:

drummerboy said:

terp said:

The reason the Democratic party is in trouble is because they are going to be associated with the Covid hysteria.  Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc.  Time is going to prove that a less and less popular and wise position. 

LOL you're wrong.

I look forward to your nervous breakdown in November. 

Find me a poll that says a major source of opposition to Dems is their Covid response.

drummerboy said:

terp said:

The reason the Democratic party is in trouble is because they are going to be associated with the Covid hysteria.  Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc.  Time is going to prove that a less and less popular and wise position. 

LOL you're wrong.

He can't let go of the Covid hammer, so everything is a nail.

Benghazi… emails… Covid… fauci…. 
a complete series of unfortunate events the wingnuts have gotten themselves tangled up in… waiting on mark Levin to tell them what to talk about next.

Hey look, it's Terp, Terping again!

Another definition of “Terp, Terping” is the 24 hour period where he horseshit-bombs a thread and then **** off for 3 weeks. Will he come back to horseshit-bomb this thread again, or will he pick a different thread next time? Who knows?

Who really cares?

Jaytee said:

Benghazi… emails… Covid… fauci…. 
a complete series of unfortunate events the wingnuts have gotten themselves tangled up in… waiting on mark Levin to tell them what to talk about next.

Afghanistan debacle…immigration…..student debt relief….oil crises…TDS….Hunter laptop…abortion…inflation….will he run, can he run, should he run…etc

mtierney said:

Jaytee said:

Benghazi… emails… Covid… fauci…. 
a complete series of unfortunate events the wingnuts have gotten themselves tangled up in… waiting on mark Levin to tell them what to talk about next.

Afghanistan debacle…immigration…..student debt relief….oil crises…TDS….Hunter laptop…abortion…inflation….will he run, can he run, should he run…etc

Have you always been Chicken Little or is this something you learned?

mtierney said:

Jaytee said:

Benghazi… emails… Covid… fauci…. 
a complete series of unfortunate events the wingnuts have gotten themselves tangled up in… waiting on mark Levin to tell them what to talk about next.

Afghanistan debacle…immigration…..student debt relief….oil crises…TDS….Hunter laptop…abortion…inflation….will he run, can he run, should he run…etc

these are only issues for people like you who reside inside the right-wing echo chamber. The people who would NEVER in a million years vote for a Democrat.

It's more important to know what people who are persuadable are thinking. We can probably safely assume not one of the issues you cite is of concern to open-minded voters.

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