Harris 2024!!! The Only Sane Candidate for POTUS

My first choice would be Gretchen Whitmer or Sherrod Brown but I Brown's candidacy would lose the Dems a crucial Senate seat. I also like Corey Booker although I know that is an unpopular choice.

To be clear, these are not my choices as a progressive but rather candidates who I think could win and would do a good job.

I do not think Harris should run but I think Biden should resign ASAP and Harris should serve out the remainder of his term as a caretaker President and both America's first female President AND America's first South Asian President.

I like Harris and I think she would be a good President but Biden purposefully undermined her to insure his candidacy for reelection.  Additionally, the Biden brand is now a stain and it will take Harris years to clean it off.

GoSlugs said:

I do not think Harris should run but I think Biden should resign ASAP and Harris should serve out the remainder of his term as a caretaker President and both America's first female President AND America's first South Asian President.

I like Harris and I think she would be a good President but Biden purposefully undermined her to insure his candidacy for reelection.  Additionally, the Biden brand is now a stain and it will take Harris years to clean it off.

how do you come up with such assumptions? Are you clairvoyant? So damn negative and pessimistic…

Jaytee said:

how do you come up with such assumptions? Are you clairvoyant? So damn negative and pessimistic…

Do you honestly think Biden has any chance of winning after last night?

I mean there is such a thing as optimism but what you are talking about borders on delusion. 

GoSlugs said:

Jaytee said:

how do you come up with such assumptions? Are you clairvoyant? So damn negative and pessimistic…

Do you honestly think Biden has any chance of winning after last night?

I mean there is such a thing as optimism but what you are talking about borders on delusion. 

watch this. from today.

GoSlugs said:

Do you honestly think Biden has any chance of winning after last night?

I mean there is such a thing as optimism but what you are talking about borders on delusion. 

simple answer… yes 

Starting to think that Biden's mistake last night was preparing for an actual fact based debate.  Maybe he should have taken that other guy's approach and just said whatever he wanted to say and not worry about being truthful and accurate.

I think it would be a mistake for Dems not to see this as the opportunity it is. This is our last chance not to lose EVERYTHING this Fall.

Let’s put the magical thinking behind us and save America. 

drummerboy said:

GoSlugs said:

Jaytee said:

how do you come up with such assumptions? Are you clairvoyant? So damn negative and pessimistic…

Do you honestly think Biden has any chance of winning after last night?

I mean there is such a thing as optimism but what you are talking about borders on delusion. 

watch this. from today.

Yelling out platitudes to a sympathetic audience is way different than interacting in a hostile debate. Presidents need all kinds of communication skills and Joe is missing some critical requirements.  I think they should replace him although not sure it matters because they will just get a younger version with the same bad policies. 

Here's what I'm thinking. This is an existential moment for American democracy and for the Democrats. I don't think Biden has a snowball's chance in hell of wining in November. I take no joy at all in that. I've supported Joe from the beginning. But last night he blew it. It's over for him. Do you think he WON any voters last night? His job was to pick up voters and he did not do that. 

The Dems have to make a deliberate, proactive and immediate choice to salvage their chances in November. Biden cannot win. They must come together, in private, I suppose, and choose another candidate and/or open up the August convention. Any of half a dozen alternative candidates would do significantly better against Trump in the September debate. And make a fine President. A radical idea? Maybe. Ever been done before? Probably not. 

But as things stand now, Trump will be the next President. That is unacceptable to me. It means a generation of lost democracy and American opportunity. So, the Dems have to pick themselves up and select another candidate. And this must be done immediately. There is no time to waste.

And maybe they do it without Joe's participation: once a candidate is picked and vetted, Democratic leaders of Congress confront Joe and say, sorry, Kid, this isn't your year. We love you, Joe, and respect you, but this is bigger than you. Bigger than any of us. 

This is no time for dawdling. This is a major threat to Democracy. 

GoSlugs said:

I think it would be a mistake for Dems not to see this as the opportunity it is. This is our last chance not to lose EVERYTHING this Fall.

Let’s put the magical thinking behind us and save America. 

I think you're saying what I said above. Not sure, though. 

nan said:

Yelling out platitudes to a sympathetic audience is way different than interacting in a hostile debate. Presidents need all kinds of communication skills and Joe is missing some critical requirements.  I think they should replace him although not sure it matters because they will just get a younger version with the same bad policies. 

So Nan, getting back on topic (or, in your case, addressing the topic for the first time) who do you think the Democrats should nominate for President?

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

I think you're saying what I said above. Not sure, though. 

I'm definitely not saying it as well as you did but yeah, basically.

A journalist on Brian Lehrer this morning said that Congressional leaders are telling  journalists off the record that they are working to create an off ramp for Biden.

Let us hope that is true.

GoSlugs said:

nan said:

Yelling out platitudes to a sympathetic audience is way different than interacting in a hostile debate. Presidents need all kinds of communication skills and Joe is missing some critical requirements.  I think they should replace him although not sure it matters because they will just get a younger version with the same bad policies. 

So Nan, getting back on topic (or, in your case, addressing the topic for the first time) who do you think the Democrats should nominate for President?

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. Someone not controlled by the donor class.  Someone like the people they killed to get us to the pathetic state where we are now entrapped.  I’m hesitant to give names because anyone like that has been throughly rejected by the mainstream media and I don’t have time to defend against all the negative responses from people who are just now finding out Biden has mental problems. To start with I would consider most if not all the people running for president who were not allowed on the debate stage. Some of these people have way better ideas than Biden or Trump.

nan said:

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. Someone not controlled by the donor class.  Someone like the people they killed to get us to the pathetic state where we are now entrapped.  I’m hesitant to give names because anyone like that has been throughly rejected by the mainstream media and I don’t have time to defend against all the negative responses from people who are just now finding out Biden has mental problems. To start with I would consider most if not all the people running for president who were not allowed on the debate stage. Some of these people have way better ideas than Biden or Trump.

Well, thank you for your input, such as it is.  I look forward to seeing your lively comments over in the Russia forum.  

Have a great summer!


GoSlugs said:

A journalist on Brian Lehrer this morning said that Congressional leaders are telling  journalists off the record that they are working to create an off ramp for Biden.

Let us hope that is true.

Might not be.  Might reverse gear instead.


GoSlugs said:

nan said:

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. Someone not controlled by the donor class.  Someone like the people they killed to get us to the pathetic state where we are now entrapped.  I’m hesitant to give names because anyone like that has been throughly rejected by the mainstream media and I don’t have time to defend against all the negative responses from people who are just now finding out Biden has mental problems. To start with I would consider most if not all the people running for president who were not allowed on the debate stage. Some of these people have way better ideas than Biden or Trump.

Well, thank you for your input, such as it is.  I look forward to seeing your lively comments over in the Russia forum.  

Have a great summer!


Thank you, I will!  Probably not in the Russian forum though.  

nan said:

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. 

Biden pulled American troops out of Afghanistan, gets incredible **** for it, and the phony "progressives" don't back him up but instead attack him over an invasion that was started by a different President of a different country.

nohero said:

nan said:

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. 

Biden pulled American troops out of Afghanistan, gets incredible **** for it, and the phony "progressives" don't back him up but instead attack him over an invasion that was started by a different President of a different country.

You are conveniently forgetting that Biden signed “the deets” for the 2014 US backed Ukraine coup and started the war. 

There's no scenario in which Nan is going to vote for a Dem so can we please leave this Russia stuff in the Russia thread?  

Just don't respond to her.


nohero said:

So, who would you nominate?  I'm getting a sense that you are ride and die for Biden.

nan said:

You are conveniently forgetting that Biden signed “the deets” for the 2014 US backed Ukraine coup and started the war. 

There's a whole thread where that nonsense claim has been debunked for years, to which I will refer the readers.

GoSlugs said:

nohero said:

So, who would you nominate?  I'm getting a sense that you are ride and die for Biden.

That's a silly way to put it.  I want the Democrats to have a serious internal discussion, and come up with a strategy to deal with the fact that, while they're probably not losing committed Biden voters to Trump, there are "undecideds" who might just sit out the election if Biden isn't able to do a better job confronting Trump's dishonesty.

If it's "Keep Biden but get more people out there boosting him", then that's the strategy they'll pick. If it's "Biden bows out", they're going to have to choreograph that carefully, to deal with the people who would happily turn the country over to Trump if the new nominee isn't their favorite. They've done it before, and there's no reason to think they wouldn't do it again.

How do you "get more people out there boosting him" when things are clearly headed in the other direction? Is there a way to make him more appealing?

ETA: I mean, aside from somehow finding better voters.

nan said:

No one they would ever nominate in a billion years. Someone who wants to end the forever wars and focus on diplomacy and making life better for the American people. Someone not controlled by the donor class.  Someone like the people they killed to get us to the pathetic state where we are now entrapped.  I’m hesitant to give names because anyone like that has been throughly rejected by the mainstream media and I don’t have time to defend against all the negative responses from people who are just now finding out Biden has mental problems. To start with I would consider most if not all the people running for president who were not allowed on the debate stage. Some of these people have way better ideas than Biden or Trump.

nohero said:

nan said:

You are conveniently forgetting that Biden signed “the deets” for the 2014 US backed Ukraine coup and started the war. 

There's a whole thread where that nonsense claim has been debunked for years, to which I will refer the readers.

Not debunked.  Trump’s not the only one with a dishonesty problem. 

nan said:

Not debunked.  Trump’s not the only one with a dishonesty problem. 

Take it elsewhere.  Please.  

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