Who is more corrupt - our Intelligence Community or Trump?

I thought this would be an interesting question for the subforum, since the Times report came out stating the FBI open an inquiry to determine if Trump was working on behalf of Russia.


So, I'm awaiting the influx of proof to the contrary which will be provided by people who do not have ANY current security credentials and have no access to any of the classified material that the agencies do.

This is where all theories develop, primarily by those who do not have access, claiming those who do have the classified materials should make them public.  

The people who demand that classified material be made public, have zero regards to protecting evidence in an ongoing investigation.  

My position, let Mueller finish and make everything public.  It would even be great if Trump was completely innocent.  

If the IC is corrupt, then perhaps we could lay down the steps that would need to be taken in order for the FBI to open such an inquiry - how many people would need to be complicit?

Trusting the IC is always dicey. Trusting Trump, on the other hand, is a few orders of magnitude more foolish.

Isn't this called a Hobson's Choice?  My son loves to ask me questions like, "Would you rather be eaten by a lion or ants?   You HAVE to choose."   They are both horrible, but the IC is probably worse because they have been in power much longer so Trump can't do as much damage because he does not have enough time (unless he gets the world blown up, which is possible).  The IC stays in power even if the president changes. So, you have evil people like Alan Dulles who did decades of destruction and harm. The people coming after him seem just as bad too. Also, the IC does much work in secret without any oversight.  Trump has some oversight, although I guess that's debatable. It is in public so it seems worse than what we don't see.

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