I think it is rather nice that Britain evolved into a modern democracy without destroying their monarchy. Wouldn't it be nice it Germany and Russia had managed the same.
The cost is trivial.
tjohn said:
I think it is rather nice that Britain evolved into a modern democracy with destroying their monarchy. Wouldn't it be nice it Germany and Russia had managed the same.
The cost is trivial.
And those ribbons don't cut themselves
author said:
The Brits seem happy
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/theroyalfamily/10206708/Confidence-in-British-monarchy-at-all-time-high-poll-shows.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/theroyalfamily/10206708/Confidence-in-British-monarchy-at-all-time-high-poll-shows.html
It's a love/hate thing. Like the NHS. Or Marmite.
Actually it really is like the NHS. They're a bunch of clusterf**ks, but they're our bunch of clusterf**ks.
The funny thing is that people yammer on about the Royals as if the amount of money at stake is material. It's like they can't get over yesteryears battles.
Monarchies are funny things. When the State of Modern Greece was created with the help of the Great Powers in the 1830' s they decided the Greeks could not govern themselves. They imported from one of the Germanic States Otto and installed him as King.
He was assassinated in short order. And so it went on and off. In the early 1900's my Grandmothers sister was punished in grammar school for refusing to sing a song praising Venizelos the great politician and I believe founder of the Republic. Ok......that branch of the family were monarchists. Her father was a judge who was respected greatly in their town. Next day he visited the school house and gave the teacher a talk on the fundamentals of democracy.
Some monarchies are greatly respected by the populace...............others lost their relevancy long ago.
Most European monarchies aren't particularly relevant, but I like to preserve them just as some people wish to preserve the Maplewood Post Office.
I think @mapleman has his tongue firmly planted in his cheek...
Good thread BTW!
T John......if nothing more you could park pretty easily at the Old Post Office.
we're talking about an enormous extended family of people being supported for life by the government. even when they're drafted and learn a marketable skill, they leave the military and go back to their lives of dependence. and with all those relatives on the dole, they continue having children. I think some of the Republicans in this country have it right. If you're on welfare, no more children for you:
and while we're at it, why not drug testing for these layabouts?
If you want a government check, the public should know that you're not spending it on drugs.
Oh my..........I think the train just went off the track. And by the way......you may be using the editorial we but you in no way represent my thoughts.
@mapleman: they have nothing to do with you, they have no effect on you or your loved ones -- so find something else much more relevant to grouse about -- please?
Scully said:
I think @mapleman has his tongue firmly planted in his cheek...
Good thread BTW!
I think you are correct. Thanks for pointing this out. In my case, I often need somebody to explain to me when something is funny and why - maybe my German ancestry. Who knows.
I'm puzzled that millions of Americans love to observe every family milestone of a group of people whose very existence is antithetical to everything that is good and great about the United States.
mapleman said:
I'm puzzled that millions of Americans love to observe every family milestone of a group of people whose very existence is antithetical to everything that is good and great about the United States.
The Kardashians?
Americans follow the royals because of suppressed guilt over 1776.
Then again had it not been for the soldiers of King George we would be speaking French now.
author said:
Then again had it not been for the soldiers of King George we would be speaking French now
Most of us don't follow The Royals, just perhaps these two in particular. Mostly because Princess Kate is clearly a magical unicorn and she makes people smile. Plus teeny baby George is to-die-for cute!!
If Britain (or soon enough England) eliminated the monarchy and replaced it, as in most parliamentary republics with a President the cost would not be significantly less.
mapleman said:
At least the Kardashians work to produce a TV show
Maybe it's time for the BBC to create a new reality TV show 'The Royals', put cameras in every room in Buckingham palace, Big Brother style.
ramzzoinksus said:
If Britain (or soon enough England) eliminated the monarchy and replaced it, as in most parliamentary republics with a President the cost would not be significantly less.
but the President would not assume office by virtue of winning a genetic lottery. and wouldn't retain the office by virtue of continuing to breathe.
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Another generation born into a lifetime of dependence on the state at tremendous expense to hard-working taxpayers. Will the cycle ever be broken?
http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/02/europe/uk-royal-baby-duchess-of-cambridge-hospitalized/index.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/02/europe/uk-royal-baby-duchess-of-cambridge-hospitalized/index.html