What's the point of putting gender in records?

The social security admin will allow selection of gender.


Why even have gender in public records? What purpose does gender serve in birth certificates, driver licenses or passports? In some localities birth and driver license gender is selectable.

Then what is the purpose of gender on id's? For identification? Not really. In this day of facial and other identifications its not really necessary. Will some nations reject passports that do not list gender?

What about insurance? Do insurers still premium rate auto or health insurance by gender? How can that work if gender is fluid?

I suggest we just eliminate gender from our governmental issued id's and databases.

RTrent said:

The social security admin will allow selection of gender.


Why even have gender in public records? What purpose does gender serve in birth certificates, driver licenses or passports? In some localities birth and driver license gender is selectable.

Then what is the purpose of gender on id's? For identification? Not really. In this day of facial and other identifications its not really necessary. Will some nations reject passports that do not list gender?

What about insurance? Do insurers still premium rate auto or health insurance by gender? How can that work if gender is fluid?

I suggest we just eliminate gender from our governmental issued id's and databases.

The SSA decision is going to make a lot of people's heads explode. I also wonder why we still are asked for gender on applications. Especially when there's an option for not choosing anything.

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