Wasn’t sure where to post this.

There’s a dead deer laying in the street on grove ter, it’s been there for a few days and yesterday I saw a red Fox feeding on the carcass. Something you don’t see every day. I didn’t go by today so I’m not sure if it’s still there.

This clearly belongs under Food and Dining. 

Where is RFK Jr. when you need him?

post apocalyptic breakdown of public order.

Call the Maplewood Health Dept.:  

Dead Animals

For dead animals that are found on PUBLIC property please contact the Health Department during business hours and we will inform our contracted service. This includes dead deer found in the road, in parks, etc. Small dead animals found on PRIVATE property must be removed at the expense of the homeowner. You can dispose of a small dead animal by placing it in a sealed heavy-duty garbage bag and setting it out for collection with your household trash. If you choose not to dispose of it in this manner you can contact animal removal services at your expense.

Animal Control does not handle dead deer on private property. If you prefer not to move the deer yourself, here is a list of organizations you can call.

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