ajc said:
Warning, if you're here to defend the Clintons, go start your own thread and call it the lies about Clinton Cash.
I'm feeling generous, so who would like to start? I want the truth and nothing but the truth. Example: I did not have sexton with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. Or, we got off the plane and ran for cover...
Is there a new truth about Monica, something that took place 20 years ago, that is pertinent today?
There are plenty of things you can bring up about Hillary, but Monica... really? That is what you got?
"We got off the plane and ran for cover" is really hilarious. Maybe 100 years ago that lie might have worked. Did she forget
about the press and the internet etc. I would not exactly call the statement scary...........but it sure is unsetteling
I guess this book is too hot to handle for the left on MOL, it must ALL BE TRUE!!!
Let's begin author.... which half do you want to start with? Try this: “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return. True or False?
A copy of the book was obtained by the New York Times? They sent someone to Barnes & Nobel?
I'm not sure why I am participating in this thread. There will be plenty of time to do so after Mrs. Clinton becomes President. In the meantime like most Lefties on MOL, I suspect, I am supporting Bernie Sanders.
"I'm not sure why I am participating in this thread."
Lost, why are you; and where the hell is everyone on the right? I started this thread for you. It's time to listen up and get up off your ass. Our country can not survive another four years of this kind of destructive liberal rule. (Notice I didn't say leadership) I know the great silent majority is out there. You've stayed out of too many elections. The Clinton's have been proven to lie through their teeth. It's a fact, and I can't even imagine what will happen if Hilary is elected POTUS. God forbid!!!
I'm game. I think what HRC did with her personal email account will derail her nomination. I have yet to see any indication of why this was above-the-board at all. I've never been a huge HRC fan, but held my nose and voted for her twice as senator.
Amazing when a stupid and evil liberal can point out flaws in Democrats, right?
LOST said:
A copy of the book was obtained by the New York Times? They sent someone to Barnes & Nobel?
I'm not sure why I am participating in this thread. There will be plenty of time to do so after Mrs. Clinton becomes President. In the meantime like most Lefties on MOL, I suspect, I am supporting Bernie Sanders.
Oh, I'm voting for Vermin Supreme, as I do every election
mbaldwin said:
I'm game. I think what HRC did with her personal email account will derail her nomination. I have yet to see any indication of why this was above-the-board at all. I've never been a huge HRC fan, but held my nose and voted for her twice as senator.
Amazing when a stupid and evil liberal can point out flaws in Democrats, right?
I don't know if it will derail her nomination, but I certainly agree with your general sentiment here.
tjohn said:
mbaldwin said:I don't know if it will derail her nomination, but I certainly agree with your general sentiment here.
I'm game. I think what HRC did with her personal email account will derail her nomination. I have yet to see any indication of why this was above-the-board at all. I've never been a huge HRC fan, but held my nose and voted for her twice as senator.
Amazing when a stupid and evil liberal can point out flaws in Democrats, right?
Yup, I agree. I guess I hope it gives an opening for a stronger candidate. I just don't see any way around this issue in the general election.
"I just don't see any way around this issue in the general election."
What is strange, and (there's not just one thing) is her pole numbers among Democrats is still pretty high, against Republicans still pretty close, the money keeps rolling in, still stone walling the press, and best of all, she keeps chugging along like nothing's wrong. IMHO, if she gets the nomination it could destroy the Democrat party for a decade or more, and that would not be a good thing for the country.
Don't misread what I'm saying. I still believe in the two party system. The only way around her issues is if enough people make their feelings about her known, and more of her alleged wrong doings are disclosed in Clinton Cash are brought to light; and proven to be true, she would more or less be forced to back down, or be charged on some of these matters criminally...
ajc said:
"I just don't see any way around this issue in the general election."
What is strange, and (there's not just one thing) is her pole numbers among Democrats is still pretty high, against Republicans still pretty close, the money keeps rolling in, still stone walling the press, and best of all, she keeps chugging along like nothing's wrong. IMHO, if she gets the nomination it could destroy the Democrat party for a decade or more, and that would not be a good thing for the country.
Don't misread what I'm saying. I still believe in the two party system. The only way around her issues is if enough people make their feelings about her known, and more of her alleged wrong doings are disclosed in Clinton Cash are brought to light; and proven to be true, she would more or less be forced to back down, or be charged on some of these matters criminally...
Not strange at all. Many people would sooner rot in Hell than vote for any of the alternatives.
Funny, I seem to remember Bill Clinton being a very successful President.
Since we do not yet know who will be the Republican nominee we do not know which scandals will be campaign issues for the Republican side.
ajc said:
"I just don't see any way around this issue in the general election."
What are the Republicans going to campaign on if the Democrats nominate someone else?
LOST said:
Funny, I seem to remember Bill Clinton being a very successful President.
Since we do not yet know who will be the Republican nominee we do not know which scandals will be campaign issues for the Republican side.
You and I have very different definitions of "success."
Bill Clinton codified the greatest expansion of federal police powers ever. He lobbed cruise missiles into Africa to deflect the media from Lewinsky. He hired Robert Rubin to turn a blind eye to the complete corruption of Wall Street that led to Enron, et al. He did what no Republican could ever do, namely destroy the federal poverty safety net.
But he had a big dick and could tell a great joke. I guess that's enough for some folks.
I do not remember any cruise missiles lobed into Africa, but my memory might be faulty. Please site a source.
I remember the economy doing well, the deficit eliminated and relative peace.
As to the other things you mention Republicans would certainly agree with Clinton's programs.
I assume you favor Bernie Sanders. Do you really believe he has a chance?
Lost, Google "Wag the Dog."
I strongly support Sanders and he has no chance. This does not mean we have to lie about who the others are. Bill Clinton was more Republican than Bush 41 was.
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Warning, if you're here to defend the Clintons, go start your own thread and call it the lies about Clinton Cash.
I'm feeling generous, so who would like to start? I want the truth and nothing but the truth. Example: I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. Or, we got off the plane and ran for cover...