dave said:
WNBA outdrew the RNC in ratings last night. Trump must be fuming.
steam probably exiting his left ear now.
jamie said:
Wow - I'm sure this is mentioned on the other threads - thought it might deserve its own. This fact check is going to be a doozy!
Sounds like he's going to cut taxes - stop inflation - close the border - eliminate the deficit - raise income and stop all foreign wars immediately.
Did he deliver it from his Hannibal Lectern?
From Michael Sean Winters at National Catholic Reporter -
"If we get Trump again, it is because we Americans have become so enthralled by our entertainments we can no longer distinguish reality from falsehood, seriousness from nonsense, posturing from principles. He speaks to the lower angels of our nature to be sure, but we are responsible for indulging those lower angels. Trump's strongman routine is only possible to the extent that we Americans have become a weak people. Strong people do not need strong men. ...
"America's constitutional system is designed specifically to make sure that no one person has the power to fix, or to break, the country and its government. Trump's claim that he 'alone' could fix what ailed the country was frightening. It was the claim of an aspiring strongman, someone aiming to lead a weak country down an authoritarian path, someone who saw weakness, not value, in our admittedly slow, deliberative governmental processes.
"Nothing in last night's speech suggested Trump has achieved a more sophisticated understanding of our constitutional system. The man who has built his career around the promise to 'make America great' does not actually know or value what makes America great: the rule of law, the separation of powers, the sanctity of the ballot box, an independent judiciary, a free press and other constitutional freedoms.
"Trump is Trump. His appeal is obvious and easy to understand. His reptilian distillation of all reality into food or threat appeals to people who feel the country is adrift and want someone whose pitch is simple and whose promises are uplifting. In the face of complexity, he promises simplicity. In the face of uncertainty, he promises surety. In the face of the unknown, Trump is as predictable as the rising of the sun."
drummerboy said:
Why does he always say the late Hannibal Lecter?
I worry less about that than the fact that he demonizes immigrants by saying they're all like Hannibal Lecter. And not enough people around here reject that kind of hate speech.
Here's a transcript of the speech.
It's a lot of lies and hate speech in one sloppy package.
drummerboy said:
Why does he always say the late Hannibal Lecter?
I don't know. At the end of the last movie, he's on a plane sharing Ray Liotta's brain with a young boy.
Decent fact check here:
Hardly a policy detail.
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
nohero said:
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
The transcript is a tough read for sure. In places it's hard to even figure out what he's talking about.
ml1 said:
nohero said:
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
The transcript is a tough read for sure. In places it's hard to even figure out what he's talking about.
here's an entertaining video fact check. I'm not going to say that 100% of the criticisms are on point, but it's pretty damn close. it's just incredible, even after 8+ years of this crap. to see how much bs he can push. he absolutely has no boundaries and is completely un-tethered from reality..
at least check out the 107% claim at about 15:27
ridski said:
drummerboy said:
Why does he always say the late Hannibal Lecter?
I don't know. At the end of the last movie, he's on a plane sharing Ray Liotta's brain with a young boy.
oh, c'mon. we both know.
because he's a **** utter monstrosity of a human being. sui generis.
that explains everything that he does.
ridski said:
drummerboy said:
Why does he always say the late Hannibal Lecter?
I don't know. At the end of the last movie, he's on a plane sharing Ray Liotta's brain with a young boy.
Does he realize that Hannibal Lecter was not a real person?
Click to Read More
pretty sure the only truthful thing in his speech was saying that the human ear bleeds a lot.
yahooyahoo said:
ridski said:
drummerboy said:
Why does he always say the late Hannibal Lecter?
I don't know. At the end of the last movie, he's on a plane sharing Ray Liotta's brain with a young boy.
Does he realize that Hannibal Lecter was not a real person?
he seems to.
They’re coming from prisons. They’re coming from jails. They’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. I, you know the press is always on because I say this. Has anyone seen “The Silence of the Lambs”? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’d love to have you for dinner. That’s insane asylums. They’re emptying out their insane asylums. And terrorists at numbers that we’ve never seen before. Bad things are going to happen.
jamie said:
Wow - I'm sure this is mentioned on the other threads - thought it might deserve its own. This fact check is going to be a doozy!
Sounds like he's going to cut taxes - stop inflation - close the border - eliminate the deficit - raise income and stop all foreign wars immediately.
Yeah, that all sounds good; but what's he gonna do with the remaining 47 months of his time in the White House?
Thanks for the excerpt from Mr. Winters' comments.
Would you provide a link to his full statement?
Here is the actual speech. How many of you have listened to the whole thing? I'm going to try to do that, although it's very long and I enjoyed my years of not having to listen to Donald Trump's voice. I think reading the transcript will be more tedious. I think he has an excellent chance of winning so it's important to hear what he has to say directly and not just through others'critiques, especially when they are extremely biased.
I did hear it was long-winded and meandering so I'm not taking my own advice. I will probably have to listen to small parts at a time.
nan said:
Here is the actual speech. How many of you have listened to the whole thing? I'm going to try to do that, although it's very long and I enjoyed my years of not having to listen to Donald Trump's voice. I think reading the transcript will be more tedious. I think he has an excellent chance of winning so it's important to hear what he has to say directly and not just through others'critiques, especially when they are extremely biased.
I did hear it was long-winded and meandering so I'm not taking my own advice. I will probably have to listen to small parts at a time.
8 years of this crapola from Trump and you have to listen to his whole litany of lies to figure out what, exactly?
or do you think he might introduce some innovative poliy?
you are losing it.
drummerboy said:
8 years of this crapola from Trump and you have to listen to his whole litany of lies to figure out what, exactly?
or do you think he might introduce some innovative poliy?
you are losing it.
He was only president for four years. Since I don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome, I was able to ignore him for the past four years or so. I did not follow the trials or interviews and if I heard his voice on something I turned it off. I had a nice rest. I'm refreshed and ready to face the Orange troll afresh.
And, actually, I do think he has changed. He's more about unity this time. He's grown up a bit. He's been through Russsiagate, the Democrats trying to lock him up, and an assassination attempt. That would affect any person and he was milking those of course. He's still got ADHD and likes brag and jump around verbally. But, he was more believable and sincere sounding. I'm not saying I believe him but it's important to honestly see why this guy is popular while the Democrats are imploding.
This time he's emphasizing he wants to be the president of everyone, including Democrats. He's pushing the Republicans to take some of the lanes the Democrats used to have solidly. He even got the union guy endorsement. He has a new young vice president that he actually might work with as a successor. The abominable Mike Pence is gone.
I've listened to a half an hour of the speech so far and he has told the story of the assassination attempt (camera cuts to teary eyed supporter) and talked about the people who were injured and killed and then he introduced some people and let off a string of accomplishments from his first term (which were probably exaggerated, false or bad--I'm sure the fact checkers will let us know) and he's now going to go into his vision of America. So that was the intro. Too long but he has a lot of ground to cover.
But, I've had enough for one night. I will continue tomorrow. It's interesting, but I want to hear the policy stuff more than the "heroics"
nohero said:
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
My reaction to the speech was that Trump leveled the cognitive decline playing field. Unfortunately, Trump's decline makes the words flow, while Biden's makes the words hard to find.
Click to Read More
I have no words.
well, I have a couple .
This time he's emphasizing he wants to be the president of everyone, including Democrats.
utterly delusional
And, actually, I do think he has changed. He's more about unity this time. He's grown up a bit.
utterly delusional
And why you buy into TDS as a thing also qualifies for the same. He has been the head of the party for 8 years and has personally caused it to move in a dangerously radical and unhinged direction. Every year, more and more of the party's officials, federal, state and local, elected and appointed, are, to put it simply, unhinged, and are leading the US on a destructive path.
Deliberately ignoring his presence is what's deranged.
paulsurovell said:
nohero said:
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
My reaction to the speech was that Trump leveled the cognitive decline playing field. Unfortunately, Trump's decline makes the words flow, while Biden's makes the words hard to find.
Biden's words describe reality and worthy goals, Trump's words are a hallucinatory hateful rant.
Some people see a difference.
ya mean like this?nohero said:
paulsurovell said:
nohero said:
I’m sure all the experts in signs of cognitive decline will discuss Trump’s rambling, unfocused, and not-based-in-reality acceptance speech. Right?
My reaction to the speech was that Trump leveled the cognitive decline playing field. Unfortunately, Trump's decline makes the words flow, while Biden's makes the words hard to find.
Biden's words describe reality and worthy goals, Trump's words are a hallucinatory hateful rant.
Some people see a difference.
Last night Donald Trump's confused mind burped up the following:
They built eight chargers at a certain location, toward the Midwest. Eight chargers for $9 billion? Think of them as a tank for filling up your gas. Think of it. They spent $9 billion on eight chargers, three of which didn’t work.
Idiot. He couldn't even get the meme right. The meme is that the feds approved $7.5 billion three years ago for EV
charging stations and so far only eight have been built.
This whole thing got started by Politico, and it's so tiresome I want to scream. The plan from the start was to have 500,000 charging stations by 2030. Why so long? Because the money was allocated by state and wasn't allocated all at once.
The facts are simple. In November 2021 the Bipartisan Infrastucture Law approved two programs for an EV charging network. NEVI is the main program, and it got $5 billion over five years. CFI is a smaller program meant to fill in gaps in underserved areas, and it got $2.5 billion.
Tom_R said:
Thanks for the excerpt from Mr. Winters' comments.
Would you provide a link to his full statement?
It's in the post, click on the title of the article.
nan said:
Here is the actual speech. How many of you have listened to the whole thing? I'm going to try to do that, although it's very long and I enjoyed my years of not having to listen to Donald Trump's voice. I think reading the transcript will be more tedious.
I know, reading it so tedious. Here's a cartoon you'll probably like better.
President Trump has pledged 20 promises to the American people. Read his plan to unite our country. #Trump2024
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) July 17, 2024
Click to Read More
He changed his message. That happens. Can't expect him to run the same campaign he ran last time. He is speaking about unity more. He toned down some of the evangelical influenced points in the Republican platform. They are trying to appeal to liberals more--or some people who used to be liberals and are disillusioned. They are treating Mitch MaConnell like an old vampire--which he deserves. That's just a fact. I don't know if it is sincere. He's Donald Trump.
The Democrats need to pay attention and TDS gets in the way. TDS is a real thing. Everything about Trump is bad and everything about Biden was good until the debate. And Trump=Hitler. This is not reality. Biden was also leading the US on a destructive path. Neither choice was acceptable and their foreign policy is almost identical.
At least Trump says he wants to end the war in Ukraine and does not support NATO in its present form. He probably won't but at least he speaks truth about the situation there, even if he lies about everything else. Biden lies about Ukraine and he does not tell the truth about everything else either.
I'm going to listen to the rest of the speech. The first half hour was just sentimental filler. I'm not expecting it to turn me into a Trump voter but I still think it is important to listen directly to what candidates are saying.
Click to Read More
I have already read some of the platform because it's been quoted on line so much, but I will read the whole thing after I hear the speech.
First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
Sounds like he's going to cut taxes - stop inflation - close the border - eliminate the deficit - raise income and stop all foreign wars immediately.