I just hope he doesn’t slink away from jail like Spiro Agnew did. Like Nixon did. He’s scared of jail, and all this bluster is his way of dealing with his soiled underwear. We have let too many high profile politicians get away with their dirty deeds. I’m afraid if trumpenstein is allowed to cop a plea deal and walks away from the situation unscathed then it will only keep his cult fired up. Even if he gets house arrest for 5 years without access to social media or any media, it will show the world that we are not fooling around.
He might be the candidate, and he will bring down all his cult members in congress with him. If he’s the candidate then Biden will have a second term. Trumpenstein is a rotting carcass.
jamie said:
So, will it ever be possible to have a T****- free news day at any point in the next year?
most likely not, as the Dems — and the Dem-controlled major media — have zero ability to talk about anything else. TDS remains viral and rife among the DNC.
As someone once said, “ there is no such thing as bad publicity” .
I wish that attention might be paid to the lineup of GOP presidential candidates, one of whom checks all the boxes…. I don’t think he has a chance since his last name way too long for headlines or TV scrolls.
mtierney said:
most likely not, as the Dems — and the Dem-controlled major media — have zero ability to talk about anything else. TDS remains viral and rife among the DNC.
As someone once said, “ there is no such thing as bad publicity” .
I wish that attention might be paid to the lineup of GOP presidential candidates, one of whom checks all the boxes…. I don’t think he has a chance since his last name way too long for headlines or TV scrolls.
If you want to take it to the Rose Garden thread, I'd be more than happy to discuss that loony with you.
This is a way premature call IMO. Not sure when or how this happens, but I still say Trump has a political Waterloo sometime in the next 6-9 months and he's not the nominee.
Trump will suck up all the media attention with his indictment and upcoming trial. It will be very difficult for other candidates to get any message out, especially if Trump doesn't join in primary debates, declaring himself above it all and thinking up clever nicknames for rivals, which he'll post on Truth (Pravda) Social.
Ugh...and his minions will be on 206 near his golf club in Bedminster every freakin Saturday.
My middle finger gets tired but some things need to be done
It’s ridiculous how his supporters, including the ones here, who say it’s the left’s obsession with trumpenstein and their TDS malady that keeps him in the news….the guy creates his own news blitz every four hours. There’s no way to ignore him when he’s constantly insulting everyone who disagrees with him. He’s attacking the people prosecuting him and gets away with it. And his lemmings have the audacity to claim that the government is obsessed with him.
These republicans are a clear danger to our democracy. Really. It’s now the Grand Ole Potty
mtierney said:
most likely not, as the Dems — and the Dem-controlled major media — have zero ability to talk about anything else. TDS remains viral and rife among the DNC.
As someone once said, “ there is no such thing as bad publicity” .
I wish that attention might be paid to the lineup of GOP presidential candidates, one of whom checks all the boxes…. I don’t think he has a chance since his last name way too long for headlines or TV scrolls.
Please consider that CNN is holding Town Halls for the GOP candidates. I've watched most of 3 of them and I stayed tuned to the discussions after.
I thought Christie got some favorable reviews among the 2 panels. And it was more than recognition for his firm indictment of Trump. I could certainly never have been described as a Christie fan but when discussing the candidates with Republicans, I try to be informed by listening to Town Halls and debates live, so that I will not be getting sound bites. I draw my own conclusions. I thought he performed well and that his message might resonate with a center right voter.
May I just comment that ‘Ramaswamy’ is not a particularly long name - Johnson is nearly as long, Abernathy is as long, Smithton sits between them.
I reckon it’d be wonderful to have a US President named Ramaswamy.
joanne said:
I reckon it’d be wonderful to have a US President named Ramaswamy.
In the abstract, perhaps. This particular Ramaswamy, not so much.
Not even close, I really don't think 2nd place DeSantis has a chance. He had a 15 point lead back in March. Now that T**** has a few indictments behind his - he has a steady 30+ point lead. So - who else has potential?
jamie said:
Not even close, I really don't think 2nd place DeSantis has a chance. He had a 15 point lead back in March. Now that T**** has a few indictments behind his - he has a steady 30+ point lead. So - who else has potential?
As more and more candidates climb into the clown car, the anti-Trump vote will be diluted and Trump is more assured of the plurality that gets him delegates in the GOP primaries.
It would be interesting to see who would rise if T**** was not in the lineup. I think Christie would have the best chance with the remaining bunch.
jamie said:
It would be interesting to see who would rise if T**** was not in the lineup. I think Christie would have the best chance with the remaining bunch.
Christie is smelling blood in the water. Who would have thunk it, that some people would be rooting for Christie in a Republican primary? He actually comes across as the sharpest tool in that shed. This election is going to be interesting.
nohero said:
jamie said:
Not even close, I really don't think 2nd place DeSantis has a chance. He had a 15 point lead back in March. Now that T**** has a few indictments behind his - he has a steady 30+ point lead. So - who else has potential?
As more and more candidates climb into the clown car, the anti-Trump vote will be diluted and Trump is more assured of the plurality that gets him delegates in the GOP primaries.
kind of like 2016.
I don't know how anyone can say Trump isn't going to be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee. If everything he's done since Election Day 2020 hasn't lost him support among the GOP base, what would? What could he feasibly do that would lose him the support of half of Republican primary voters?
Maybe if he went to prison, his supporters might just think it's too logistically difficult to serve from a cell and reluctantly vote for someone else. But even that possibility seems remote just in terms of timing. A trial, conviction, appeal, etc. would likely take until after most of the primaries at the earliest.
Realistically, the only way he won't be the nominee next year is if he dies before then.
Jaytee said:
jamie said:
It would be interesting to see who would rise if T**** was not in the lineup. I think Christie would have the best chance with the remaining bunch.
Christie is smelling blood in the water. Who would have thunk it, that some people would be rooting for Christie in a Republican primary? He actually comes across as the sharpest tool in that shed. This election is going to be interesting.
"interesting" is an interesting word for it.
Trump likely won't show up for the debates, which will make all the other candidates look small and inconsequential. So maybe Christie and DeSantis get to look like the best of the bunch, but to what effect?
ml1 said:
Trump likely won't show up for the debates, which will make all the other candidates look small and inconsequential. So maybe Christie and DeSantis get to look like the best of the bunch, but to what effect?
If Trump doesn't show up to the debates, Christie becomes the punching bag.
nohero said:
Christie becomes the punching bag.
I’m doing the visuals….hilarious.
so, I think the main problem the republicans will have is that they're expecting the T**** circus show. The rambles of a lunatic are what this new base comes to expect. They want the YMCA blaring and the Lock her up chants. Any actual substance is not going to win this crowd over.
They've bought in to the fake election. They know that T**** is still president. Any indictment on him are just manufactured stunts to try to bring him down.
Bottom line - republican are incredibly divided and the old conservatives are being overridden by a realty TV star who knows how to get attention. And if he wasn't such an narcissist - he may have had a chance.
again - foxnews is like a Where's Waldo - does T**** even exist? I still can't find the full Brett Baier interview anywhere on the INTERNET? Was it too incriminating?
jamie said:
again - foxnews is like a Where's Waldo - does T**** even exist? I still can't find the full Brett Baier interview anywhere on the INTERNET? Was it too incriminating?
saw a link but it asks the viewer to subscribe
A Bret Baier Interview with Donald Trump Episodes (1) - Fox Nation
This is a few weeks old, but it's still good.
She says to a British reporter, ‘…you don’t understand what it means to shed blood for your freedom’.
Kari, would you like to know just who was doing what between Sept 1939 and Dec 1941?
I do love RR, and Don Caron… have you seen Real Honest Government Ads??
Thank you Jaytee, I will be humming that one for the rest of the day.
Only someone so despicable as trump can turn the tragedy in Maui into a political attack on the Democrats, and Joe Biden, claiming climate change is a hoax. When will we ever be rid of this cancerous tumor that is this maniac?
First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
T**** will be the candidate. All legal woes will be kicked down the road. He will lie and lie every minute which to him and his followers will become the new truth.
There are zero republican candidates who can possibly rise above him.
I'm so confused as to who has TDS these days?
There is nothing that his followers will see as a disqualifying case to be president.
So, will it ever be possible to have a T****- free news day at any point in the next year?