Russia - Fun and not so Fun Facts

Did you know - 1 out of 5 people in Russia do not have indoor plumbing:

One out of four Russian men die before their 55th birthday.

The life expectancy for men in Russia is 64 years old, a total among that of the 50 lowest countries in the world.


There isn't a Russian word for "fun"

So what is the Russian word for fun? Well, there really isn’t one. There is a word for pleasant and a word for interesting, but there really isn’t a Russian word for fun.


During the 2012 election (when Putin was elected for a third term), one region registered a voting turnout of 146%.

Critics believe that there was electoral fraud in Russia's 2012 election, especially after one region registered a 146% turnout.

Under the Soviet Union, the distribution of Beatles albums was forbidden by the government, so some medical students would burn Beatles songs onto old X-rays.


Russian doesn't need a subject and a verb to complete a sentence.
Therefore "Dog." or "Was walking." are both complete sentences.


Putin once saved a TV crew from a Siberian tiger — and later acknowledged it was staged.
Putin has done several well-documented publicity stunts, including saving a TV crew from a Siberian tiger. He later acknowledged they were all staged.


Gay Propaganda Law

Russia’s brutal targeting of its lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender population has attracted the lion’s share of press coverage and activist initiatives around the world related to the Olympics. The first anti-gay law passed in the Russian legislature last year and was signed by Putin on June 30. The bill bans “propaganda” about “non-traditional” sexual relations around children. It is written so broadly that it effectively bars any positive discussion of gay rights or any action labeled as gay around children. The legislation imposes fines of up to $156 for an individual and $31,000 for media organizations, and could also lead to the arrests of LGBT people.

The law also applies to foreigners. If non-Russians are seen as spreading pro-gay messages, they could be fined and detained for up to 14 days and then expelled from the country.


Russian Adoption Law

On July 3, Putin signed into law a bill barring gay couples from adopting Russian-born children. In addition, the legislation bans the adoption of Russian children by any parents who live in a country where marriage equality is the law.


Foreign Agents Law

In 2012, a law was passed targeting non-governmental organizations that receive money from abroad. It forces NGOs in Russia working on issues ranging from LGBT rights to corruption to register as “foreign agents” with the government.

Anti-Gay Violence

The anti-gay laws have contributed to an environment in Russia where being gay is seen as a crime. The legislation has institutionalized homophobia, and LGBT activists say the bills are encouraging violence against gays.


Corruption, including bribes, vote-rigging and abuses of power, is a major problem in Russia. Its rank on the Corruption Index, published by Transparency International, is 127, out of 175 countries ranked.

Let me just say that I own a Beatles x-ray record.   Pretty cool.

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