Jerry, you are a class act!
Thank you for all that you have done for our town.
That is rather disappointing. I may be voting Republican in November or writing in Jerry Ryan
Mr. Ryan have served Maplewood Township honorably and well.
The people of the Township are in your debt. Thank You.
Jerry, thank you for your service. You were usually the only TC member who ever voted the way I wanted on issues. Sorry to see you go.
Jerry, you always responded to the emails I sent and I will miss your voice on the Township Committee. Thank you for all the years you've dedicated to Maplewood.
What is the vote breakdown by District? Was there a larger turnout closer to the Post Office site?
Jerry, you've been a wonderful public servant for many years. Thank you for all of themany hours you've devoted to Maplewood.
Gerry: You're a class act and have served us very well. I hope you'll be back. Thanks so much.
Jerry, now you can move to South Orange! Maplewood has lost a great advocate
Any reason Mr Ryan can't run as an Independant in November? He should!!
Whether in or out of office, Jerry, you have contributed so much to what makes Maplewood a wonderful place to live. In your service on the Township Committee, I always appreciated your thoughtful and informed approach to any issue. The Township is a better place because of all of your efforts.
marylago said:
Jerry, now you can move to South Orange! Maplewood has lost a great advocate
Back off! We're keeping him. There's always next time!
SiMorley said:
Any reason Mr Ryan can't run as an Independant in November? He should!!
No, that's one of The Rules. You can run in a party primary, or as an independent, but you can't do both. Independent petitions are due on the same day as party primaries, if I recall correctly.
I think the Republican candidate might find a larger than usual vote count come November.
dave sai.d:
I think the Republican candidate might find a larger than usual vote count come November.
Maybe, but not in any decisive sort of way
nohero said:
Whether in or out of office, Jerry, you have contributed so much to what makes Maplewood a wonderful place to live. In your service on the Township Committee, I always appreciated your thoughtful and informed approach to any issue. The Township is a better place because of all of your efforts.
Absolutely! Thank you!
nohero said:
SiMorley said:No, that's one of The Rules. You can run in a party primary, or as an independent, but you can't do both. Independent petitions are due on the same day as party primaries, if I recall correctly.
Any reason Mr Ryan can't run as an Independant in November? He should!!
However, you can launch a write-in campaign and there is plenty of time between now and November to do that effectively should Jerry choose to do so.
Jerry (and Vic) have been off the TC before involuntarily and they came back. Maybe Jerry will want to do that or maybe he won't. But I have a feeling he will still be doing great work for the community regardless.
I love Gerry. Smart? Wicked! Hard working? Incredibly. Devoted to Maplewood? Like nobody's business.
Class act? Have you met Gerry? (winky emoticon)
mjh said:
Gerry: You're a class act and have served us very well. I hope you'll be back. Thanks so much.
Jerry, if I was still in Maplewood it would have been 842 votes for you.
You are a mensch, and a damned good public servant. I know you will stay involved in many ways, and I am certain that if you wish you will be back.
In the meanwhile, you have more time to grade exams!
I doubt Jerry will have much time to grade exams. There is more than enough work to do for the benefit of the community that does not require a seat on the TC and I am sure Jerry will be among the first to volunteer to do as much of it as he can.
He has another six months in office.
Plenty of time to conclude the destruction of the Post Office eyesore.
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Congratulations to all!