Republicans debate

Anyone watching?
Christie compares Vivek Ramaswamy to "Chat GPT" ….too smooth and disingenuous and tells you what you want to hear. Ramaswamy seems to be stumbling after that insult. 
Let’s go Krispy Kreme 

Things got heated as they tackled the abortion issue. Pence stunned me when he went from his declaration of faith to the 15 week ban!   Worth listening to again. I wish everyone had a chance to weigh in. I've heard Niki Haley's position. Tim Scott spoke. Most of them leaned in on the phrases abortion on demand and up to the minute of birth. No discussion on exceptions and most avoided the 6 week ban. Gov. Burgum stood by states rights. I may have to watch that part again. 

Here comes the big question.  Will you vote for Trump. Go Christie.

Ramaswamy is not doing well. He got trounced by Pence and Christie.

Niki Haley is smarter than most of her opponents. I would think she would appeal to Republican women but who knows. Love that she's taking on Ramaswamy and DeSantis on their "defund Ukraine" rant. 


Morganna said:

Ramaswamy is not doing well. He got trounced by Pence and Christie.

he’s got a strong chin though. All of them except Christie say they will support trump if he is the nominee…all of them approved of the way Pence stood up to trump on January 6th… crazy people  smile

Niki Haley buried Vivek on foreign policy. 

Someone should glue down DeSantis's bobble head. 

Pence over-performed my expectations, which were zero.

Christie with best line to Vivek: "I feel like I'm listening to ChatGPT".

Vivek moving into fascist mode the longer this goes. Desperation & paranoia: 99%.

They're all in need of serious fact-checking. 

Winner:  Joe Biden

Morganna said:

Here comes the big question.  Will you vote for Trump. Go Christie.

Only question that matters.

Jaytee said:

he’s got a strong chin though. All of them except Christie say they will support trump if he is the nominee…all of them approved of the way Pence stood up to trump on January 6th… crazy people 

Asa Hutchinson was adamant that he will not vote for him as well. Pence answered by declaring that Trump asked him to go against the constitution. Niki Haley danced around it. And of course Christie.

DeSantis, Ramaswamy and Pence are in a three-way tie for the title of The candidate I would least like to have a beer with.

I was at the Stadium watching Aaron Judge hit 3 HRs. Seems like a better use of my time than this clown show. 

DeSantis was very unimpressive. Vivek is like a super annoying little brother who you just want to punch. Scott was meh. The eyebrows guy (Burgum) was a waste of a podium.

They were the bottom 4 IMO

They’re basically playing it safe, but I just feel that they need to stop saying that if trump is the nominee they should support him. Nikki Hayley was really letting loose on Vivek, but all in all they’re scared of the MAGA base. Just ridiculous.

the thing about these debates is that most pundits and people outside the GOP primary base don't seem to know how to watch and comment. First off, there is virtually no ideological diversity in the party. None. There are uniform positions that all the candidates need to take. Diverging from those positions is political suicide. 

Another is that the GOP is not about policy. Aside from vague notions of tax cutting and eliminating regulations, what does the party stand for? Outlawing abortion? Culture war grievances? Denying climate change? Can anyone cite even two positive legislative goals of the Republican Party.

Why do Republicans even bother?

As last night's debate demonstrated, however, the insignificance of a Republican debate isn't just due to Trump's skill at sucking the oxygen out of any room — even one he's not in — Trump's power is entirely due to the vacuum created by the vapidity of Republican leaders. Watching this non-debate was mainly a reminder that none of these politicians possess anything resembling substance. Despite all the chatter from the punditry about "policy," the voters these candidates are trying to reach could not care less about the nuts and bolts of governance. The GOP exists mainly as a vehicle for the endless parade of unwarranted, incoherent grievances of the Republican base.

When whining and playing the victim are all that the voters want from their leaders, of course Trump rises to the top. Even Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is so egotistical he put out an ad declaring he was handpicked by God, cannot compete with Trump's off-the-charts level of narcissism. For a base that just wants to hear how they're the real victims here, Trump's "woe is me" messaging and retribution-oriented rhetoric is political heroin straight into their MAGA veins.

The fallacy that most non-Republican observers fall into is treating these shows as if they are real debates. They aren't. Not that any televised "debate" is a real debate, but at least when the Democrats got on stage four years ago, they did address real issues, and they didn't all agree with each other. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are not from the same mold as Joe Biden or Mike Bloomberg. 

These sideshows make it clear that the Republican Party is mostly about triggering the libs and playing to the anger and grievances of their base. And very well might end up controlling the White House, both houses of Congress, and the SCOTUS in 2025. And then who knows where they take the country. A scary thought.

I think T**** found his new running mate in Vivek.

I liked Christie's CHATGPT line.

jamie said:

I think T**** found his new running mate in Vivek.

I could be wrong, but I can't imagine this happening in a million years.

drummerboy said:

I liked Christie's CHATGPT line.

jamie said:

I think T**** found his new running mate in Vivek.

I could be wrong, but I can't imagine this happening in a million years.

Trump wants sycophants, and Ramaswamy fits that bill, but Trump also needs to be the center of attention, and Ramaswamy would draw too much.

PVW said:

Trump wants sycophants, and Ramaswamy fits that bill, but Trump also needs to be the center of attention, and Ramaswamy would draw too much.

Yeah - I thought of that afterwards - he may out trump T****.  Maybe Donny would be better with Nikki or Tim.

His former VP literally had a fly land on his head on tv, and he didn't react. That's the bar.

As I did watch the debates the difference that I was looking for, was their specific positions on abortion. They varied from, leave it to the states to a federal ban. Add to that some stands that ranged from 6 weeks to 15 weeks, a world of difference to the average woman. Please consider that the viewers who do not have a great deal of information about abortion, will take the views of these candidates, to their state voting booths. 

 For this very reason I want as much public debate on this emotional issue to get into the uncomfortable reality of the health issues that occur between the first and second trimester. I would not be surprised to learn that other women were listening for that discussion. Words were thrown out that push buttons, the heartbeat rule or the time when the fetus can experience pain. Most people will cringe at those terms but unless they are clearly discussed many people will just follow the crowd.

I've heard that the average American leans towards 15 to 17 weeks with exceptions. I've looked up the tests that are given to monitor fetal development. Most people will not but may have discussions among friends or family. 

The Republicans may or may not win the general but they control many of the states these life and death issues will be decided and their voters may be listening to these leaders in their party.

What is being overlooked by the pundits is the moment that Mike Pence ended a statement avowing his defense of life with a comment suggesting that we should at least limit to 15 weeks. Nobody is playing the clips past his religious defense of life.  Even the Washington Post seemed to miss it,

  • Former vice president Mike Pence sought to portray himself as a longtime antiabortion warrior.
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — who signed a ban after six weeks of pregnancy in his state this spring — again steered away from directly answering whether he’d do so at the national level and instead attacked Democrats who support abortion rights later in pregnancy.
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum took a constitutionalist approach, arguing that the issue was returned to the states and should remain there.
  • Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) made the case for a ban on abortions at 15 weeks, a stance one of the nation’s leading antiabortion groups has been pushing candidates to take.
  • Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley largely deflected and instead focused on finding a “consensus” around abortion. She argued that Republicans in Congress won’t have the votes in the Senate to pass federal abortion limits.
  • Former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson said the issue was likely to be decided by the states, “but it’s certainly fine for it to be addressed at the national level as well.”
  • Entrepreneur and political newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey governor Chris Christie didn’t weigh in during this portion of the debate.

Huffpost quotes Pence accurately “It’s not a states-only issue, it’s a moral issue. And I promise you that as president of the United States, the American people will have a champion for life in the Oval Office,” Pence said. “Can’t we have a minimum standard in every state in the nation that says when a baby is capable of feeling pain an abortion cannot be allowed? A 15-week ban is ideal.”

Again, Republicans may not win the White House but their states will be voting on this issue and their public opinions influence their voters.  They used their time to accuse Democrats of wanting "abortions on demand" and "up to the moment of birth." If Republicans as conservative as Mike Pence speak about 15 week bans, they just might capture some of those Independent Voters.

Looks like the big winner in the GOP debate is the Man Who Wasn't There.

nohero said:

Looks like the big winner in the GOP debate is the Man Who Wasn't There.

Pretty shocking that 21% thought DeSantis won the debate.  He was a disaster.

yahooyahoo said:

nohero said:

Looks like the big winner in the GOP debate is the Man Who Wasn't There.

Pretty shocking that 21% thought DeSantis won the debate.  He was a disaster.

I wouldn’t quite say disaster, but he was underwhelming at best. So so rehearsed and scripted with his talking points. Plus, as a broad-shouldered former military guy, he should have a deeper voice. He’s not quite Mike Tyson or Patrick Mahomes in being not what you expect in that regard, but there’s a definite disconnect imo.

Smedley said:

I wouldn’t quite say disaster, but he was underwhelming at best. So so rehearsed and scripted with his talking points. Plus, as a broad-shouldered former military guy, he should have a deeper voice. He’s not quite Mike Tyson or Patrick Mahomes in being not what you expect in that regard, but there’s a definite disconnect imo.

he also wear elevated heels in his shoes.

As opposed to unelevated heels?

Ramaswamy is a hoax.

“And so the reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change,” 

Vivek the Swami….

Smedley said:

As opposed to unelevated heels?

As opposed to outside his shoes.

ridski said:

Whatever good things Pence is saying on that debate stage is negated by his actions as Governor of Indiana. I'm gifting this for you.

I just read this and cracked up at the women's response on Facebook and Twitter. I did know how fanatical he was, still is. I recall that he was the first Vice President to attend the right to life rally, which is why I was surprised that he managed to say that we should at least have a 15 week ban. If Pence can say it, I'm convinced that the Republican Party is now realizing that the 6 week ban is not going to make them electable. Did any of them even have a conversation with a woman?  States are revisiting the issue. It was reported that Louisianna is next.

I do think most women would be mistrustful of voting for a anyone who can pivot quickly on this issue. DeSantis and Haley are on the record for signing a 6 week ban and Tim Scott a few weeks ago said he would sign any restriction that Congress put in front of him. Now, just like Pence he suggested a 15 week on the debate stage. Pretty flexible on the issue of closely held beliefs. He also pounced on Haley's statement advocating for consensus, exclaiming "that's not leadership." So I think his 15 week statement will anger Evangelicals and his previous positions will not make him appealing to Independents on this issue.

Reminds me of their position on gun control. The fear that if we ban assault weapons we will take away all gun rights. I think women will have the same fear of their 15 week compromise.

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