Really? Paraguay

I'm just flabbergasted. I know there are other nations where the same distorted 'logic' applies, i just can't understand it. 

Meanwhile, with the stepfather on the run, the mother in prison and the girl in a Red Cross shelter 'for her health', what's happened to the two other kids??? Is that also Divine Providence in a land where the family and the bible rule?

joanne said:

Meanwhile, with the stepfather on the run, the mother in prison and the girl in a Red Cross shelter 'for her health', what's happened to the two other kids??? Is that also Divine Providence in a land where the family and the bible rule?

 Of course. It's all part of God's plan, which we are not capable of understanding,

See how easy it is to completely absolve everyone of any responsibility whatsoever?

Uruguay is my favorite guay. 

I suspect you see 'angry almost-menopausal woman on the warpath' and are just ducking for cover.

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