Reading tea leaves in the final stretch

Honestly it's actually a bit too stressful for me; I don't know how much I'll actually be on MOL the next few days. But here is a shockingly hopeful omen:

Iowa Poll: Kamala Harris leapfrogs Donald Trump to take lead near Election Day. Here's how

Someone I know via other social media who has in the past worked on several presidential campaigns in a data science and analytics capacity said, a few days ago, that one early sign he'd be looking for would be this poll -- that if Trump was up by more than 11 that would be a bad sign for Harris, and if he was up by less than 8 it would be a very good sign for Harris.

The poll has Harris ahead by three.

Those with more stamina than I feel free to use this thread to speculate wildly about what all this means.

PVW said:

Honestly it's actually a bit too stressful for me; I

I'm a freaking basket case. I can't even look at polls any more.

That f***er pretend to jerk off and fellate his mike today. What episode of Twilight Zone are we in?

My son lives in Philly. and he's taking off from work for a few day to canvass and phone bank in PA. He's very passionate about this.

Wonder where he gets that from?

I am confident Kamala wins this election. No anxiety here. It’s not going to help if we all become negative and stressed out, keep the good vibes flowing. 

Jaytee said:

I am confident Kamala wins this election. No anxiety here. It’s not going to help if we all become negative and stressed out, keep the good vibes flowing.

Apparently Harris will be on SNL tonight.

For some mental calm on Tuesday, please remember the Melbourne Cup horse race is being run on Australia’s Tuesday (your Mon afternoon & evening) at 3pm, with real horses and betting. Also all day,  there are awards in the Fashion Stakes for men, women, hats. And lots of fancy picnic catering. A lovely distraction for an hour or two.  (in theory you could win enough to cover migration if needed  cheese )

(Apologies for being a wet blanket on good news.  Feel free to skip this post if you're as anxious as i am, or correct my errors.)

Iowa poll shows a notable and very welcome change.  But if i'm reading the graph in PVW's Des Moines Register piece right, you've got a 3-point lead in a survey where 5% said either Undecided or Don't Want to Say.  Not to mention 3.4% margin of error.  Still, +3 in Oct. looks different from -4 in Sept.?  Not that anything but an actual majority for K matters for the electoral college.

drummerboy said:

Apparently Harris will be on SNL tonight.

I predict shrinks in Greater Maplewood make their yearly nut in the next two weeks alone.  Enjoy those meds guys!

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