terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
GoSlugs said:
1938 German parliamentary election and referendum
Trump Tells Christians They Won’t Have to Vote in Future: ‘We’ll Have It Fixed’
Trumpers think that because Trump hasn't actually tried to invade Canada and Mexico on his way to world domination or tried to implement his own version of the Holocaust, that therefore they are nothing alike.
They are ****** because they do not see the many parallels between Hitler's rise to power and Trump's.
And Trump's rise to power is only enabled because they're ****** in the first place. And there's way, way too many of them.
It's the rise to power of a clearly unfit leader, in an advanced, highly educated country, that is the important analogy. Trying to match them policy for policy is mostly useless. History never repeats itself that cleanly. Policies that made sense to an autocrat in 1930's Germany don't necessarily make sense in 21st Century America.
OTOH there are countless similarities between the Nazi use of propaganda and Trump's communication methods. (when I say “Trump” here, I mean the entire universe of MAGA media)
That's what we need to be cognizant of. And that's why the Hitler analogy is justified.
Also, goslugs, and not for nothing, maybe re-consider how you commented on an earlier post of mine that I made about the unfortunate fact that we are ruled by an electorate (populated with ******).
Do you understand what I was getting at now? As a corollary, do you think Hitler rose to power because his opposition may have denigrated his supporters?
Yeah, no. That’s not it.
(what does ****** mean, you’re probably wondering? I had a derogatory word in there originally but decided that people might focus on the word itself rather than the point I was trying to make. I can’t manage to think of a single word that encapsulates the personality of a person who would choose to support either Hitler or Trump. Suggestions welcome.)
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
nan said:
Trump is not Hitler.
Yeah, no duh. Hitler was a skinny vegetarian with a tiny mustache while Trump is a fat slob with no facial hair who loves to gobble down Big Macs. As the thread title says, they are nothing alike.
And yet.....
nan said:
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
what a moronic post.
talk about superficial.
delete it to save yourself further embarrassment.
nan said:
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
what's funny here is that it's as if you read my earlier post and then decided to write something which completely proved my point.
i guess I should thank you.
drummerboy said:
nan said:
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
what a moronic post.
talk about superficial.
delete it to save yourself further embarrassment.
Ha! You crack me up! Call Trump Hitler or you are embarrassing yourself!!!
this is a good article on the subject. The author is a German historian.
drummerboy said:
nan said:
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
what's funny here is that it's as if you read my earlier post and then decided to write something which completely proved my point.
i guess I should thank you.
I’m a moron in the “mind”. of drummerboy!
I think I’ve gone as far as a person can go in this thread. I know Mr.Slugs will not want more distractions from his goal of proving Trump akin to Hitler so I’ll go back to the peace and quiet in the Ukraine threads now.
nan said:
drummerboy said:
nan said:
GoSlugs said:
terp said:
This thread is embarrassingly stupid.
You would think that. I see Nan agrees. The Extreme Right and the Extreme Left diverge so far from the centre that they meet in its arse.
Trump is not Hitler. We already had four years of him. He did not set up concentration camps. He did not try to put his opposition in jail, which they tried to do to him.
He had the same foreign policy as Biden. His domestic policy was standard republican. He runs as a right-wing populist. He picked a populist vice president. He says some encouraging things about ending wars, but we already know he probably won’t.
He will suck but he’s not Hitler.
what's funny here is that it's as if you read my earlier post and then decided to write something which completely proved my point.
i guess I should thank you.
I’m a moron in the “mind”. of drummerboy!
I think I’ve gone as far as a person can go in this thread. I know Mr.Slugs will not want more distractions from his goal of proving Trump akin to Hitler so I’ll go back to the peace and quiet in the Ukraine threads now.
well yeah, you've gone as far as one can go as a person who refuses to acknowledge what the Hitler analogy is actually about and prefers to attack a strawman so that they don't have to consider the similarities.
so, you are right about that.
I'd say Putin is a bit closer to Hitler at the moment. Biggest land invasion in Europe since WWII.
If T**** had some high commanders in the armed forces - he'd be a bit closer to Hitler. And he hasn't dismantled freedom to protest and freedom of the press yet. He would like to though. He certainly admires the likes of Kim, Vlad and Victor.
Hitler and Trump are nothing alike.
But Trump is willing to make a deal to let Russia take half of an Eastern European country.
jamie said:
I'd say Putin is a bit closer to Hitler at the moment. Biggest land invasion in Europe since WWII.
If T**** had some high commanders in the armed forces - he'd be a bit closer to Hitler. And he hasn't dismantled freedom to protest and freedom of the press yet. He would like to though. He certainly admires the likes of Kim, Vlad and Victor.
the only thing I would say is I don't see many parallels between Putin's rise to power, and Hitler's.
And to me, that's what's critical.
Then again, I'm certainly no expert on Putin's rise to power, so...
drummerboy said:
jamie said:
I'd say Putin is a bit closer to Hitler at the moment. Biggest land invasion in Europe since WWII.
If T**** had some high commanders in the armed forces - he'd be a bit closer to Hitler. And he hasn't dismantled freedom to protest and freedom of the press yet. He would like to though. He certainly admires the likes of Kim, Vlad and Victor.
the only thing I would say is I don't see many parallels between Putin's rise to power, and Hitler's.
And to me, that's what's critical.
Then again, I'm certainly no expert on Putin's rise to power, so...
Putin's rise to power is fascinating - but anything I say here will be refuted by a 100 page diatribe by nan from her usual gang of "journalists" and anything I've read will be considered mainstream media trash. But I'm sure she's 100% in for Putin to be in power to 2036. And any opposition to him will be US CIA plants.
PVW said:
Hitler and the Nazis were inspired by American white supremacists. Not sure why we need to obscure this by trying to make this about Hitler -- surely it's more straightforward to just note that Trump is inspired by the same people who inspired Hitler.
I dunno. I think it's unavoidable that Hitler was brought into the conversation. For better or worse, and certainly it's a lot of both.
Since it's out there though, I think it's worthwhile to counter the reactions of people like terp and nan, which are certainly widely felt. There should be pushback on their strawman arguments.
drummerboy said:
jamie said:
I'd say Putin is a bit closer to Hitler at the moment. Biggest land invasion in Europe since WWII.
If T**** had some high commanders in the armed forces - he'd be a bit closer to Hitler. And he hasn't dismantled freedom to protest and freedom of the press yet. He would like to though. He certainly admires the likes of Kim, Vlad and Victor.
the only thing I would say is I don't see many parallels between Putin's rise to power, and Hitler's.
And to me, that's what's critical.
Then again, I'm certainly no expert on Putin's rise to power, so...
Putin's rise to power is more like the model of a criminal's rise to power in organized crime or a drug cartel.
Re Putin, though -- to understand his rise to power you'd really need to get into the details of the Chechen wars. Putin basically rode the War on Terror to power.
Hitler had black hair and a mustache, trump is a redhead with tiny hands…what they’re alike in, is their ability to control millions of people with their language and hand gestures…both of them feel they are a godsend to their tribes…both of them are narcissistic…what else? Suffering from some neurological disorder? Erectile dysfunction?
There are lots of common signs between them, so if trump gets into the position of power to go full speed tyrant, maybe by then some people will draw the parallel. But the mentality is the same actually.
nohero said:
Hitler and Trump are nothing alike.
Indeed, as noted by the thread title. And yet....
drummerboy said:
the only thing I would say is I don't see many parallels between Putin's rise to power, and Hitler's.
Both of them relied pretty hard on the myth of the Stolen Victory.
GoSlugs said:
Both of them relied pretty hard on the myth of the Stolen Victory.
Putin did? how is that?
drummerboy said:
Putin did? how is that?
He has promoted the idea that the USSR, undefeated in battle, was destroyed from within. Restoration of the Soviet/Russian Empire has been a driving force throughout his regime.
I'll just leave this here. Journalist Dorothy Thompson's interviews with Hitler.
Thompson’s searing criticism angered Hitler, who personally ordered her to leave Nazi Germany in 1934. She was the first American journalist to be expelled from the country by the Nazi regime. "As far as I can see, I was really put out of Germany for the crime of blasphemy,” she said upon disembarking in the United States. “My offense was to think that Hitler is just an ordinary man, after all. That is a crime in the reigning cult in Germany, which says Mr. Hitler is a messiah sent of God to save the German people.”
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The rule for this thread is that new posts should start with the words "Isn't it weird how Hitler and Trump are nothing alike but....." and then go on to outline those strange little coincidences that just wildly happen to link the two men.
For example:
Isn't it weird how Hitler and Trump are nothing alike but..... they both supported murdering the inconvenient handicapped?