Net Neutrality

Probably best belongs here in Politics but I also posted this in Arts and Entertainment since many who love their high speed internet regardless of ISP provider may never venture into Politics. I hope Jamie can forgive me for posting it here and there. I also wrote something similar on Facebook earlier.

Just finished watching the May 7 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver about Net Neutrality (yes a bit late). I did as he suggested and wrote a comment to the new FCC chairman in advance of the proceedings. It's a bit more difficult now to find the public comment in advance of the proceedings - actually extremely difficult - so John Oliver bought the website . I just clicked on that and then the express yourself link and posted my comments which include what Oliver himself suggested in the first sentence of my comment.

Here's what I wrote: "To the Chairman: I specifically support strong net neutrality backed by Title 2 oversight of ISP's. Do not change the laws and regulations already in place regarding this. Please be ethical about this regardless of your loyalties to Verizon and the others given your past jobs and your current philosophy. Do not be another Trump appointee who is not really working for the public good. Thank you for listening." 

Friends, please educate yourself about this and go ahead and comment. If you don't agree fine. I am not here to argue the point and will probably ignore any comments to the contrary. If you do agree and post a comment all the better to help preserve equal access to all.

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