Question, do the men have to purchase a rider to have their ED meds covered? Or are the women "forced" to pay for this coverage?
Hey, ED medication is beneficial to all. After all, men use if to have sex with women, right?
Only if your partner needs it. But not all partners need it. So same principle applies.
ParticleMan said:
Hey, ED medication is beneficial to all. After all, men use if to have sex with women, right?
For those not interested in clicking the link, the new law basically bans insurance companies from including abortions in their policies except when the mother'smother's life is in danger. Otherwise, women would have to get a special "rape insurance" rider to cover abortions thaf were necessitated by rape. Essentially, women need to plan ahead for their rapes.
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Why in the world do people think the Republican party is misogynistic?