ParticleMan said:
She really is just a horrible person. I used to think she was well-intended, but a bit nutty. But comments like this make me wonder if she's got a mental disorder or if she's really just a bad person.
ParticleMan said:
She really is just a horrible person. I used to think she was well-intended, but a bit nutty. But comments like this make me wonder if she's got a mental disorder or if she's really just a bad person.
ridski said:
TarheelsInNj said:
I don't think there's been a recent tragedy that the GOP establishment didn't hop on and compare to Obama. It's gross.
GL2 said:
Thousands of Minnesotans in her district voted her into office and would probably do so again if she ran. One nut job isn't as scary as thousands who vote for one.
Woot said:
TarheelsInNj said:
I don't think there's been a recent tragedy that the GOP establishment didn't hop on and compare to Obama. It's gross.
It's over the top crazy, with some likely underbelly of racism. The hatred for Obama is irrational
kibbegirl said:
I would totally respect the GOP if they had ideas - good ideas - that countered what President Obama has done or is doing. They have nothing, and when they have nothing, they act like cornered rats, lashing out, biting, gnawing to save their party. Scare tactics. The lies of religious freedoms being taken away. The lies of guns being taken away. The lies that war is what will solve a million years of religious unrest. It's just so completely absurd. When I turn on the tv or listen to the radio I just shake my head and ask myself, "Are we THAT gullible?" And when the people willfully vote for Bachmann or tune into Need A Sandwich and Some Cookies Coulter or We're Not Supposed to Say He Was a Drug Addict Limbaugh, I say yes, yes, we are that gullible.
Bachmann has NOTHING to offer and like so many others, she misses the limelight and needs to be heard. Now we conjured her up, broom, cauldron and all.
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Salon: Michele Bachmann Compares Obama to Pilot who Delibertately Crashed Germanwings Plane